WASHINGTON, D.C. - YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND a U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) luncheon meeting on Wednesday, February 13, 2019 in Washington, D.C. about the Ukrainian Leadership Academy (ULA), an outstanding, effective long-run program for Ukraine, which is developing a new generation of leaders in Ukraine.

The USUBC meeting will be held in The Executive Building Conference Center, 1030 15th Street, Suite 230 East, Washington, D.C. (USUBC offices located in this building).  The Ukrainian Leadership Academy (ULA), http://www.ual.org.ua/en/ is strongly supported by USUBC, www.USUBC.org

A presentation about ULA will be made at the USUBC meeting by Jaroslawa (Slava) Johnson, CEO, Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF), which co-founded and is helping fund the start-up of ULA. Slava is a long-time friend and strong supporter of USUBC, has served as a member of the USUBC Board of Directors for many years and has been an outstanding Ukrainian-Amerian leader in Ukraine for over 20 years.  WNISEF is a member of USUBC. 

William Petruck, President & CEO, FUNDING Matters, who is working with the leadership of the Ukrainian Leadership Academy (ULA), on long-run planning and funding will also make a presentation.  USUBC met with William Petruck last fall to discuss ULA (see attachment). 

There will be a Q&A session following the presentation. The USUBC meeting will be moderated by Morgan Williams, President & CEO, U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC), www.USUBC.org.  I would personally appreciate your attendance at this USUBC luncheon (Morgan).  Please join us for the USUBC meeting about the Ukrainian Leadership Academy.

RSVP..Please register your attendance at the USUBC luncheon.  Please send an e-mail to Morgan Williams, mwilliams@usubc.org.  Your attendance at this meeting is most appreciated.


ULA is forming a generation of youth leaders by developing the skills they need to positively impact Ukraine and our world.  Plans include creating new private voluntary organizations in Canada and the USA to provide leadership and financial support to help guarantee the long-run sustainability of this exciting program.

The Ukrainian Leadership Academy’s main goal is to create, a new Ukraine by educating a new generation of leaders who will take responsibility, for their families and communities, building a stronger and more prosperous nation. The leadership academy model has been very successful in other countries in instilling a strong set of values in young people who later contribute to their respective society and country.  Commitments to effective leadership transcend cultures and ethnicities, and the success of this approach can—with the appropriate resources—be effective in Ukraine.

In the three years since Ukrainian Leadership Academy’s was established, more than 650 youth have been inspired to learn how to use their leadership skills towards transforming Ukrainian civil society.  Students between the ages of 17 and 20 who have graduated from secondary school from all regions of Ukraine have applied or have been successfully recruited to spend the gap year between high school and university at the Ukrainian Leadership Academy.


In fact, the Academy’s campuses are oversubscribed with eager applicants. With the challenges Ukraine faces, the urgency for more academies has never been greater. Due to this growing demand, ULA hopes to open branches in Dnipro, Odesa, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk and Zaporizhia by the end of 2021 and to have one campus in every oblast of Ukraine with 1,000 students admitted annually by 2030.

The Academy is responsible for the vital task of bringing together young people with stellar leadership potential and providing them with intensive training, with, tools for personal development, a profound understanding of their own identity, an aspiration to be useful to their country, and a recognition of their talents.  The Ukrainian Leadership Academy seeks applicants who are driven and have skills worthy of the Ukrainian Leadership Academy. (see attachment)

USUBC NOTE: The Ukrainian Leadership Academy (ULA) and the Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF) are members of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC), Wash, D.C. www.USUBC.org.  USUBC held a members dinner in Kyiv last November about the ULA. 

Presenting a program that is developing a new generation of leaders in Ukraine, an outstanding program for Ukraine, 
Wednesday, February 13, 2019, 12:15 p.m.-1:45 p.m.
The Executive Building Conference Center
1030 15th Street, NW, Suite 230 East, Washington, D.C., with a light lunch
(USUBC office is located in this building)