Cocktails & Silent Auction 6:00pm
Musical Entertainment 7:30pm  
Dinner 8:00pm  
After-Party 9:30pm

Receive premium table seating for ten (10), a private tour of the building for ten people (at a future date), recognition at the event and program listing.
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Receive premium table seating for eight (8), recognition at the event and
program listing.
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PATRONS – $750  
Receive premium seating for two (2) and
program listing.
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FRIENDS – $250
One (1) individual ticket.
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UNDER 35 – $175
One (1) individual ticket.
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Your support above $150 for each ticket is tax-deductible. 

To pay by check please make it payable to the Ukrainian Institute of America. 

Proceeds to benefit The Ukrainian Institute of America Endowment Fund.

I cannot attend but would like to make a donation to support
the Ukrainian Institute of America.