DATE: Wednesday, July 29, 2009
TO: Companies Exporting U.S. Agribusiness Technology to Ukraine
Companies Importing U.S. Agribusiness Technology into Ukraine
FROM: U.S. Commercial Service, U.S. Embassy, Kyiv
U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC)
Sponsors: U.S. Commercial Service, U.S. Embassy, Kyiv and the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC)
Monday, August 3, 2009, 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Kyiv, Ukraine
Richard Steffens, Commercial Counselor, U.S. Embassy, Kyiv, Commercial Service and Morgan Williams, SigmaBleyzer, President of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC), invite you to attend a "U.S. Agribusiness TechnologyExporter-Importer Roundtable" to be held on Monday, August 3, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Kyiv, Ukraine in the Conference Room at the offices of SigmaBleyzer, 4-A Baseyna St., Mandarin Plaza, 8th floor, Kyiv.
The Roundtable will focus specifically on the critical issues today facing the exporters of U.S. agribusiness technology to Ukraine and facing the importers of U.S. technology into Ukraine for such items as new and used farm machinery, crop protection supplies, seeds and other products.The major issue on the table will be the almost total lack of financing now available for this critical market.
Discussion will held about the present position of the U.S.-ExIm bank and other financial institutions and what shouldbe done to improve the amount of financing available.
Additional issues willinclude customs problems, intellectual property rights, what U.S. government policy makers should be hearing from U.S. agribusiness technology companies exporting to Ukraine and other issues as brought up by the companies in attendance. Companies are encouraged to send us the issues they would like to have on the table.
Richard Steffens will lead off the Roundtable with a presentation about the realities ofthe present market situation and the extent to which this is severely hurting both the United States and Ukraine and the need to find solutions soon.
Steffen's presentation willbe followed by brief reports from several of the companies in attendance related to the problems they face in the marketplace today. After the reports will be an open Q&A session followed by a wrap-up discussion and development of list of recommended actions.
Companies are invited to be represented bythose officials who are involved in the export and import agricultural technology portion of the business. This can be the country manager, the sales department, the financial department, etc. Companies can have up to two representatives at the Roundtable. If you have any questions please contact Richard Steffens or Morgan Williams.
We encourage you and your company to attend this important and timely workshop. Please RSVP as soon as possible to mwilliams@usubc.org and let us know who will represent your company.
Richard Steffens, Commercial Counselor
U.S. Embassy, Kyiv, Commercial Service
Tel.:(38044) 490 - 4018, Fax: (38044) 490-4046
e-mail: Richard.Steffens@mail.doc.gov