U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC)
Wash, D.C., Thu, June 18, 2009
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Foundation for International Arts and Education (FIAE), Bethesda, Maryland, has been approved for membership in the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC), according to the USUBC executive committee, in an announcement on behalf of the entire USUBC membership of over 100 companies and organizations.
The Foundation for International Arts and Education (FIAE), is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, and was created to help protect, preserve, exhibit, and publish about the historical and cultural legacy of the countries of the former Soviet Union.
Through its Arts & Exhibitions Program, FIAE organizes and manages art exhibitions at venues throughout the United States and the former Soviet Union. A portion of the proceeds of these exhibitions goes to the various museums who lend the art works in order to directly contribute to the preservation of these priceless world treasures. Gregory Guroff serves as President of the Foundation for International Arts and Education (FIAE) and will represent FIAE on the USUBC board of directors.
The Foundation for International Arts and Education (FIAE), in cooperation with the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) and with the support of the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States, Washington, D.C., is preparing a series of major art exhibitions from Ukraine to be shown in several U.S. cities during 2010-2012.
FIAE has already produced one major Ukrainian exhibition - Ukrainian Modernism - which achieved popular success and critical acclaim in both New York and Chicago (http://www.ukrainianmuseum.org/ex_061105crossroads.html, http://www.keytoart.org.ua/p/ukr.modernism-fiae.htm.) The very strong, enthusiastic response from the audiences in the U.S. regarding the Ukrainian Modernism exhibition encouraged FIAE to immediately investigate these further opportunities:
(1) Exhibition of Ukrainian Icons and religious artifacts highlighting Orthodox and Catholic iconographical traditions, 11th-19th centuries, largely drawn from the huge historical archives of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, and
(2) Exhibition of the Masterpieces of the Platar Collection, Kyiv, Ukraine, which covers nearly 5,000 years of culture in Ukraine.
FIAE President Greg Guroff and FIAE Director of Programs, Kathie Guroff, sponsored trips to Kyiv, Ukraine in April and June of this year for U.S. museum officials to view some of the world class artwork and to become acquainted with Ukrainian museums and collections.
Museum officials from New York, Texas, California, Nebraska, and Massachusetts have already expressed a strong interest in hosting the U.S. exhibitions. USUBC President Morgan Williams and Ludmyla Dudnyk, USUBC director of programs in Ukraine, participated in the meetings in Kyiv in April.
Dr. Deborah Taylor, who just recently returned to the United States from Ukraine, upon completion of her husband's term as U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine [William Taylor], will be the curator of the exhibition of Ukrainian icons and religious artifacts.
The Board of Directors of the Foundation for International Arts & Education (FIAE) includes several friends of USUBC. Ambassador Arthur Hartman is Chairman and Greg Guroff is President. Sarah Carey, Ed Chow and Michael Johnson are also members of the board. Sarah Carey is a USUBC board member representing the Squire, Sanders & Dempsey law firm. Michael Johnson previously represented FMC on the USUBC board. Mr. Chow is a Senior Associate at CSIS and an independent international energy consultant with a special focus on Ukraine.
FIAE President Greg Guroff said, "The Foundation for International Arts & Education (FIAE) is very pleased to join the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) and will be working closely with USUBC members who share our vision of developing and expanding Ukrainian-American cultural contacts."
Mr. Guroff was the cultural attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow from 1982-1985. During 1986-1992, he was the coordinator of the President’s U.S.-Soviet Exchange Initiative for the United States Information Agency (USIA) as well as the Chairman of the Director’s Task Force for Soviet Affairs for the USIA during 1990-1991.
Among other recent activities, Guroff served as the Acting Director of the Center for Post-Soviet Studies, as Chief Academic Consultant to such major Public Television series as Hedrick Smith’s Inside Gorbachev’s USSR and After Gorbachev’s USSR, helped facilitate the exhibition Treasures of the Czars which toured the United States in St. Petersburg, FL and Topeka, KS, and served on the Board for the American-Russian Youth Orchestra. Mr. Guroff also taught Russian history for 10 years at Grinnell College in Iowa.
For a more detailed description of the Ukrainian exhibits and additional information about the Foundation for International Arts and Education (FIAE) please visit the FIAE website: www.fiae.org.
"USUBC is very pleased to have the Foundation for International Arts & Education (FIAE) as a new member," said Morgan Williams, Director, Government Affairs, Washington Office, SigmaBleyzer Emerging Markets Private Equity Investment Group, www.SigmaBleyzer.com, who serves as President/CEO of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC).
"USUBC has increased its membership four times over the past two and one-half years and now has a membership base of over 100 companies and organizations which allows USUBC to provide its new members such as the International Arts & Education (FIAE), with a full-time operation and a significantly expanded program of work," according to USUBC membership director, Iryna Teluk.
The latest group of new USUBC members has included: 3M Ukraine; AeroSvit Ukrainian Airlines; AGCO Corporation; Aitken Berlin LLP/ASIA; AnaCom, Inc; Asters law firm; CEC Government Relations; ContourGlobal Ukraine; Defense Technology, Inc.; Dunwoodie Travel Bureau, Ltd.; Edelman; IBM Ukraine; KPMG Ukraine; Kyiv Mohyla Foundation of America (KMF); Mars Ukraine; Microsoft; Pratt & Whitney-Paton; R & J Trading International; RZB Finance (Raiffeisen Group); SE Raelin/Cajo , Inc.; SoftServe, Inc.; and The Washington Group(TWG).
New members also include Ukraine International Airlines (UIA); Vasil Kisil & Partners law firm; Winner Imports Ukraine (Ford, Jaguar, Land Rover, Volvo, Porsche); Zurich Surety, Credit, & Political Risk; DRS Technologies, Inc., International Services Corporation (ISC), Broad Street Capital Group, The State of Maryland’s International Investment and Trade Division of the Department of Business and Economic Development, Ukrainian American Coordinating Council (UACC), Baker Tilly Ukraine, Blufer & Associates and now the Foundation for International Arts and Education (FIAE).
Over One-Hundred Members, June, 2009, Membership in January of 2007 was 22.
LINK: http://www.usubc.org/members.php
1. 3M Ukraine
2. AeroSvit Ukrainian Airlines
3. AES Corporation
4. AGCO Corporation
5. Air Tractor, Inc.
6. Aitken-Berlin, LLP/ASIA
7. ALICO/AIG Ukraine
8. American Continental Group
9. American Councils for International Education
10. AnaCom, Inc.
11. Anemone Group
12. Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM)
13. Asters law firm
14. Atlantic Group
15. Baker & McKenzie law firm
16. Baker Tilly Ukraine
17. Blufer & Associates
18. The Boeing Company
19. Bracewell & Giuliani LLP law firm
20. Broad Street Capital Group
21. Bunge North America
22. Cargill
23. Case New Holland
24. CEC Government Relations
25. Chadbourne & Parke LLP law firm
26. Charles H. Camp, Law Offices of Charles H. Camp
27. Cisco Systems, Inc.
28. The Coca-Cola Company
29. Commonwealth Energy Partners (CEP)
30. ContourGlobal Ukraine
31. Crumpton Group
32. Deere & Company
33. Defense Technology, Inc. (DTI)
34. DHL International Ukraine
35. Dipol Chemical International Inc.
36. DLA Piper LLC law firm
37. DRS Technologies, Inc.
38. Dunwoodie Travel Bureau, Ltd.
39. Edelman Europe
40. EPAM Systems
41. Ernst & Young
42. The Eurasia Foundation
43. First International Resources
44. Foundation for International Arts and Education (FIAE)
45. Foyil Securities
46. General Dynamics
47. Halliburton
48. Heller & Rosenblatt law firm
49. Holtec International
50. Horizon Capital Advisors, LLC-
Emerging Europe Growth Fund
51. IBM Ukraine
53. International Services Corporation (ISC)
54. International Tax and Investment Center (ITIC)
55. Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson
International Center for Scholars
56. KPMG - Ukraine
57. Kraft Foods Ukraina
58. Kyiv Atlantic Group of Companies
59. Kyiv Mohyla Foundation of America (KMF)
60. Magisters law firm
61. Marks, Sokolov & Burd, LLC law firm
62. Mars Ukraine
63. Maryland's Division of International Investment & Trade;
Department of Business and Economic Development
64. MaxWell
65. Microsoft
66. Nationwide Equipment Company
67. Northrop Grumman
68. Och-Ziff Capital Management Group
69. Open World Leadership Center at the
U.S. Library of Congress
70. The PBN Company
71. Pratt & Whitney - Paton
72. Procter & Gamble (P&G)
73. R & J Trading International Inc.
74. RULG - Ukrainian Legal Group law firm
75. RZB Finance (Raiffeisen Group)
76. Salans law firm
77. SE Raelin/Cajo, Inc.
78. Shell Oil Company
79. SigmaBleyzer Private Equity Investment Group
80. Siguler Guff & Co, LLC
81. Softline Company
82. SoftServe, Inc.
83. Squire, Sanders and Dempsey LLP law firm
84. Sweet Analysis Services, Inc. (SASI)
85. TD International, LLC
86. The State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine
87. The Washington Group (TWG)
88. TNK-BP Commerce LLC
89. Ukraine International Airlines (UIA)
90. Ukrainian American Bar Association (UABA)
91. Ukrainian American Coordinating Council (UACC)
92. Ukrainian-American Environmental Association (UAEA)
93. Ukrainian Development Company (UDC)
94. Ukrainian Federation of America (UFA)
95. Umbra, LLC
96 UPS International Ukraine
97. U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF)
98. U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (USUF)
99. Vanco Energy Company
100. Vasil Kisil & Partners law firm
101. Vision TV LLC
102. Westinghouse Electric Company
103. Winner Imports Ukraine (Ford, Jaguar, Land Rover, Volvo, Porsche)
104. WJ Agricultural Group
105. Zurich Surety, Credit & Political Risk
For Year 2009 (http://www.usubc.org/excommittee.php)
Margarita Karpenko
Managing Partner
DLA Piper Ukraine LLC
Kyiv, Ukraine
Michael E. Kirst
Regional Vice President
Central/Eastern Europe and Russia
Westinghouse Electric Company
Brussels, Belgium
Paul Nathanson
Bracewell & Giuliani LLP
Washington, D.C.
Dr. Irina Paliashvili
President and Senior Counsel
RULG-Ukrainian Legal Group, P.A.
Washington, D.C./Kyiv, Ukraine
Andrew A. Pidgirsky
Board of Governors
Ukrainian American Bar Association (UABA)
Houston, TX
Mara L. Sovey
Director, International Affairs
John Deere Public Affairs Worldwide
Deere & Co.
Washington, D.C.
Samir B. Sahgal
Director, International Operations
Washington, D.C. Operations
The Boeing Company
Arlington, VA
Treasurer, USUBC
Patrick H. Sweet
Sweet Analysis Services, Inc. (SASI)
Alexandria, VA
Arnold F. Wellman
Vice President
Corporate Public Affairs
Washington, D.C.
E. Morgan Williams
Director, Government Affairs
Washington Office
SigmaBleyzer Private Equity Investment Group
Washington, D.C.
Chairman, Executive Committee, USUBC
President/CEO, USUBC
Van A. Yeutter
Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Washington, D.C.
Jack I. Heller
Attorney at Law
Heller & Rosenblatt
Washington, D.C.
Legal Counsel, USUBC
Dr. Anders Aslund, Senior Fellow
Peterson Institute for International Economics
Washington, D.C.
Andy Bihun, President
Global Trade Development, Inc.
Director, Business Development Forum
The Washington Group (TWG)
Washington, D.C.
Ariel Cohen, Ph.D, Senior Research Fellow
Allison Center for International Studies,
Davis Institute for International Studies,
The Heritage Foundation
Washington, D.C.
Keith Crane, Senior Economist
Rand Corporation
Washington, D.C.
Leonid Kozachenko, President
Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation (UAC)
Kyiv, Ukraine
William Green Miller
Woodrow Wilson Center Senior Policy Scholar
Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine
Steven Pifer, Visiting Fellow
The Brookings Institution
Senior Advisor, Russia & Eurasia Program, CSIS
Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine
Washington, D.C.
Dr. Edilberto Segura, Partner, Chief Economist
SigmaBleyzer Private Equity Investment Group
Chair of the Advisory Board of The Bleyzer Foundation
Kyiv, Ukraine
Keith Smith, Senior Associate
Europe Program, CSIS
Former U.S. Ambassador to Lithuania
Washington, D.C.