U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC), Wash, D.C. Wed, June 10, 2009
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) supports the 'Travel To Ukraine' program and encourages everyone to travel to Ukraine this summer. Two airlines and one travel bureau, who provide direct travel services, are members of USUBC. They are (1) AeroSvit Ukrainian Airlines, (2) Dunwoodie Travel Bureau, Ltd, and (3) Ukraine International Airlines (UIA). The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (USUBC), also a USUBC member, promotes Ukraine as a travel destination and has developed a top-rated, 'Travel To Ukraine' website: http://www.traveltoukraine.org/index.htm.
(1) AeroSvit Ukrainian Airlines - AeroSvit has a special offer on their flight from New York to Ukraine for a $819 round trip fare, airport charges are included. Sales through their web-page, http://www.aerosvit.ca/e_us.html. This fare is available for flights operated before 30 Oct 09. Maximum stay - 3 months. Check out the following link: http://www.aerosvit.ca/e_us/actions/actionsinfo/6930.html. Contact: Vlada Austrin in the NYC AeroSvit office at 888 661 1620 or 212 661 1620, e-mail: vaustrin@aerosvit.us.
(2) Dunwoodie Travel Bureau, Ltd. - For all your travel needs contact Alesia Kozicky, Owner/Travel Agent, Dunwoodie Travel Bureau, Yonkers, NY, 914 969 4200, 800 550 4334, E-mail: Dunwoodie@vacation.com website: http://www.dunwoodietravel.com/. Alesia Kozicky is a top expert in 'Travel to Ukraine' and always knows where the top bargains are on Ukraine related travel. Alesia has been providing travel services to USUBC for several years.
(3) U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (USUF) - The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (USUF) has been supporting Ukraine as a travel destination since 2005 with its #1 “Travel To Ukraine” website, www.traveltoukraine.org and other programs. USUF promotes Travel to Ukraine at travel shows and conventions. USUF
produced and widely distributed a Discover Ukraine brochure and a Discover Ukraine Travel Guide, both supported by USUBC. Contact: Oleksiy Synelnychenko, 202 223 2228, oleksiy@usukraine.org, http://www.usukraine.org.
(4) Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) - A copy of the UIA June, 2009, newsletter about their 'Catch A Flight To Ukraine this Summer! program is shown below. Their website is: http://www.flyUIA.com. In the USA contact: Richard Bromberg, 703 709 5154, uiadca@cox.net or Susan Hamilton, 817 329 8978, UIASALES@aol.com.
Catch a Flight on UIA to Ukraine this Summer!Book the BEST EVER UIA SUMMER FARES on www.flyUIA.com from now until the 31 OCT 09! All-inclusive fares departing from London Gatwick to Kiev cost from £99* one-way or from £119* return. And you can now avoid queuing at the airport by checking-in online! Come to Kiev and embrace Ukrainian culture events from international ethnic festival 'Krayina Mriy' ('Dream Land) to the traditional Ivana Kupala (John the Baptist) celebration. UIA is honoured to sponsor Ukrainian Charity in Ivana Kupala fundraising event in the heart of London on 02 JUL 09. Same day connections to Tbilisi, GeorgiaExplore all that Georgian culture can offer, with the most direct flight connections from London to Tbilisi via Kiev for just £399* return with UIA! Great fares to Kuwait!From 25 June 2009, UIA will start twice weekly (Mon/Thu) connecting service between London Gatwick and Kuwait, via Kiev. Fares start at a very competitive £328* Panorama ToursPanorama Tours is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ukraine International Airlines, which can provide all your holiday needs in Ukraine and beyond, including holiday packages, hotel accommodation, car rental and organised tours. Please visit at www.panorama-tours.eu Panorama Club NewsPanorama Club members can convert UIA frequent flyer miles into a travel discount! Find out more by logging on to www.flyUIA.com and entering your membership number. |
Benefits include:
From London Gatwick daily non stop flights to Kiev with domestic services to Dnipropetrovsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Lviv, Lugansk, Odesa, Simferopol and Uzhgorod. Check out further connections from London to Tbilisi, Georgia and Kuwait. *All fares include taxes & surcharges
Earn miles when you fly UIA or its partners and benefit from award tickets, class upgrades and Duty Free shop, hotel accommodation, rent-a-car discounts. Membership is free and open from the age of 2. Awards transferable to family or friends.