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Analysis & Commentary: by David J. Kramer
Senior Transatlantic Fellow, German Marshall Fund (GMF)
Foreign Policy and Civil Society Program: Focus On Ukraine
Washington, D.C., Thursday, February 11, 2010
Euractiv.com, Brussels, Belgium, Thu, 18 February 2010
INFORM: Newsletter for the international community providing
views and analysis from the Bloc of Yulia Tymoshenko (BYuT)
Kyiv, Ukraine, Monday, Feb 15, 2010, Issue 141
Just because the Orange revolutionaries lost in Ukraine, doesn't mean their cause did.
Analysis & Commentary: By David J. Kramer
Foreign Policy, Wash, D.C., Mon, February 8, 2010
Analysis & Commentary: By Tammy Lynch
The ISCIP Analyst (Caucasus/Central Asia/Western Regions),
An Analytical Review, Volume XVI, No. 8, Boston University,
Boston, MA, Thursday, 18 February 10
Analysis & Commentary: By Ivan Poltavets and Ievgenii Rovnyi
Inside Ukraine #5, International Centre for Policy Studies (ICPS)
Kyiv, Ukraine, Thursday, February 18, 2010
Analysis & Commentary: By James Sherr
Head, Russia & Eurasia Programme
Chatham House, Royal Institute of International Affairs
Chatham House Programme Paper, London, UK, Thu, 18 Feb 2010
Op-Ed, By Steven Pifer
The New York Times, NY, NY, Tue, February 9, 2010
We are a nation with a European identity, but we have historic cultural
and economic ties to Russia as well. We can benefit from both.
Opinion Europe: By Victor Yanukovych
The Wall Street Journal, NY, NY, Wed, Feb 17, 2010
By Daryna Krasnolutska and Lyubov Pronina
Bloomberg News, Kiev, Ukraine, Wed, Feb 17, 2010
Analysis & Commentary: by David J. Kramer
Senior Transatlantic Fellow, German Marshall Fund (GMF)
Foreign Policy and Civil Society Program: Focus On Ukraine
Washington, D.C., Thursday, February 11, 2010
KYIV,Ukraine - Contrary to earlier polls, Ukraine’s presidential election turned out to be much closer than expected. After the run-off held on February 7, opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych claimed victory over Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko with more than a 3 percent lead, but Tymoshenko was not ready to concede.
is expected to file court challenges over claims of fraud in individual polling
stations, but international observers across the board, including the
delegation I led for the International Republican Institute, deemed this
election generally free and fair and any problems not to have been systemic in
Tymoshenko, of course, has every right to pursue her legal options, but it
would be unfortunate if her efforts led to weeks of squabbling and political
paralysis. Ukrainians have had enough of that over the past few years, when
they grew disillusioned with those associated with the 2004 Orange Revolution.
on the preliminary assessment of foreign observers, neither problems that may
have occurred on Election Day nor a controversial change made to the electoral
law three days before the election had an appreciable impact on the election
itself. Barring the unexpected, Ukraine will see Yanukovych assume the reins as
are some in the West who will be unhappy with the election outcome. They will
see Yanukovych’s victory as the final nail in the Orange Revolution’s coffin
and will want to keep their distance from Ukraine. This would be exactly the
wrong approach to take. Leaders in the West need to engage the new president
and his team immediately after he assumes office.
Here are some things they should do in the near
[1] Invite
Yanukovych to the West. U.S. President Barack Obama will be hosting a nuclear
security summit in April, and Yanukoych’s participation in that would be a good
start. EU countries should also reach out to him out of recognition that
Ukraine is a vital neighbor.
[2] Visit
Kyiv. Western leaders should make Kyiv a key place to visit, not on the way to
or from Moscow but on its own.
[3] Strengthen
bilateral commissions on a level comparable to what Obama established with
Russia last year. Dealing with Ukraine can be frustrating, but the alternative
of keeping a distance is even worse, especially when Moscow will be reaching
out aggressively to the new government in Kyiv.
For the European Union, move forward on finalizing a free trade agreement with
Ukraine and visa liberalization. It should stress that future membership
in the European Union, while not in the offing in the near-term, is a
possibility. The door to the European Union must remain open to Ukraine if it
undertakes the necessary reforms over the next few years.
[5] Avoid pressing on membership in NATO, especially since the majority of
Ukrainians do not support NATO membership at this time. Injecting this issue
into the political debate in Ukraine now would be distracting and
counter-productive but NATO should keep its door open, too.
[6] Push for resumption of International Monetary Fund (IMF) lending if
Ukraine’s parliament and leaders stop their inflationary and unaffordable
budgetary and fiscal policies.
For Yanukovych, he should:
[1] Appoint people to government positions based on experience and
talent, not solely as payback for political favors, and include individuals
from Tymoshenko’s bloc. Choosing a replacement for Tymoshenko, should she leave
or be voted out by the Parliament, will be especially important. After
experiencing a nearly 15 percent drop in GDP last year, Ukraine cannot afford
continued delays in fixing the economy.
Keep people who work well in the West, such as Ambassador Oleh Shamshur in
Washington, in their positions. Continuity in personnel wherever possible will
have a reassuring effect on the West.
[3] Visit Brussels and Washington sooner rather than later. There is a
caricature of Yanukovych as the pro-Russian candidate. Visiting Western
capitals would go some distance toward disabusing those suspicious of him.
[4] Pursue improved relations with Moscow, which deteriorated under
outgoing President Viktor Yushchenko, but protect Ukraine’s interests on issues
concerning energy security and the Black Sea Fleet. Similarly, reject Russian
pressure to recognize the separatist Georgian regions of South Ossetia and
Avoid divisive issues like making Russian the second official language. This
will cause a nasty debate in the Parliament and unnecessarily distract from
issues like economic reform. Focus on urgent needs, including paying gas bills
to Russia and resuming IMF assistance based on fiscal discipline.
[6] Avoid a push for early parliamentary elections. Some in his party see
this as a way to increase their control over the legislature. The last thing
Ukraine needs is another election—the people here, despite impressive turnout
numbers (68%) on Sunday, want to see their leaders govern effectively, not
engage in endless electoral campaigns.
a country of 46 million people strategically located between Russia and
countries of the European Union, has enormous potential to contribute to
European stability and security. It is important in its own right, not through
a Russian prism. It just held yet another election, following parliamentary
elections in 2006 and 2007 and the re-run of the 2004 election, which passed
international standard—no small accomplishment in this part of the world.
they think of Yanukovych, Western leaders need to get over their “Ukraine
fatigue” and engage the country, its leaders, and its people more than they
have in the past.
David J. Kramer is senior transatlantic fellow with the German Marshall Fund of
the United States (GMF) in Washington, DC. Kramer headed the International
Republican Institute’s election observation delegation to Ukraine’s second
round of the presidential election. The views expressed are those of the author
and do not necessarily represent the views of GMF.
As a Senior Transatlantic Fellow, David J. Kramer works on issues related to
Russia/Eurasia and wider Europe as well as democracy and human rights. He came
to GMF after more than eight years at the U.S. State Department in various
capacities, most recently as assistant secretary of state for democracy, human
rights, and labor.
that, he was a deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian
Affairs, responsible for Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus affairs, as well
as regional nonproliferation issues. He also served in the Office of Policy
Planning and as senior advisor to the Under Secretary of State for Global
Affairs. Mr. Kramer received his master’s degree from Harvard University and
his bachelor’s degree from Tufts University.
About GMF
German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is a nonpartisan American
public policy and grantmaking institution dedicated to
promoting greater cooperation and understanding between North America and
Europe. GMF does this by supporting individuals and institutions working on
transatlantic issues, by convening leaders to discuss the most pressing
transatlantic themes, and by examining ways in which transatlantic cooperation
can address a variety of global policy challenges.
in 1972 through a gift from Germany as a permanent memorial to Marshall Plan
assistance, GMF maintains a strong presence on both sides of the Atlantic. In
addition to its headquarters in Washington, DC, GMF has seven offices in
Europe: Berlin, Bratislava, Paris, Brussels, Belgrade, Ankara, and Bucharest.
http://www.gmfus.org/publications/article.cfm?id=809 &parent_type=P
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Euractiv.com, Brussels,
Belgium, Thu, 18 February 2010
BRUSSELS - "In the immediate
future [Viktor Yanukovych] needs to demonstrate that he is not a Russian
stooge, so the EU should use this opportunity to strengthen relations with
Ukraine, pushing for reforms but offering assistance," argues Amanda Paul,
a researcher at the European Policy Centre, in a February paper.
Yanukovych's approach to the West, and the EU in particular, may in some
respects not be totally dissimilar to that of former President Leonid Kuchma,
as he may revert to the old game of 'being in-between' endeavouring to play the
EU and Russia against each other.
the medium to long term, however, Kiev's relations with Moscow will be
determined by how Europe (and the US) set their relations with Mr Yanukovych,
and given that he plans to visit Brussels early on in his presidency, the EU
should send a strong message that it sees him as being pro-European.
president-elect wants international recognition, and Ukraine will be unable to
modernise without large-scale Western assistance and investment, so the EU
should continue to push Ukraine on a number of key issues, including reforming
the energy sector, improving the electoral system and constitutional and judicial
reform. Ensuring the independence of the judiciary (especially the
Constitutional Court) is a particularly urgent task as in its current state it
cannot serve as an impartial referee.
now it has been more beneficial financially to delay reforms and only strong
outside pressure, starting with the EU, could tip the balance and bring about
change. Negotiations with the EU on a new Association Agreement will continue,
although the final framework of the free trade zone – which is an essential
part of the future deal - will depend on how deeper economic and regulatory
integration with the EU is seen by Yanukovych's inner circle.
the other hand, taking into account Ukraine's WTO membership, it is highly
unlikely that the country will pursue cooperation with Moscow on the
Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Customs Union.
As a
tangible incentive to making progress, the EU could push ahead on an issue
close to the hearts of Ukrainians – namely visa liberalisation - by way of a
visa-free roadmap as happened in the Western Balkans.
finds itself at yet another crossroads. The Orange Revolution may be a thing of
the past, but its legacy will live on: its achievements should not be forgotten
but built upon. It is up to Ukraine's leadership and political elites to create
a climate of political and economic stability and deliver some tangible results
to the long-suffering population, rather than continuing with the destructive
infighting of the last five years."
http://www.euractiv.com/sites/all/euractiv/files/Ukraine%20und er%20Yanukovych%20(2).pdf
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INFORM: Newsletter for the international community providing
views and analysis from the Bloc of Yulia Tymoshenko (BYuT)
Kyiv, Ukraine, Monday, Feb 15, 2010, Issue 141
KYIV - Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has said that she will
challenge the results of the presidential election in court following evidence
of widespread fraud. On Sunday, the Central Election Commission (CEC) declared
Viktor Yanukovych the next president and published results identical to the
preliminary results announced last Wednesday.
The declared results confirmed a gap between Ms Tymoshenko and the Party of
Regions leader Viktor Yanukovych of just 3.48 percent, which amounts to some
900,000 votes.
Pre-empting the official result, Ms Tymoshenko addressed the nation on
Saturday. She thanked her supporters and explained that, since the election on
7 February, her team had been working with lawyers to collect and catalogue
evidence of election falsifications to be presented in court.
In particular, the premier cited irregularities in the southern autonomous
region of Crimea – a Russian-speaking stronghold of Mr Yanukovych – where she
alleged 3-8 percent of votes were fraudulently given to him. She said that
overall Mr Yanukovych’s team had stolen more than one million votes, more then
enough to sway the result in his favour.
A steely faced Ms Tymoshenko told TV viewers, “With all the evidence, I took
the only possible solution - to challenge the election results in court.”
Acknowledging that Ukrainians were weary from years of political instability,
she stressed the need for stability and calm. But she drove home her message,
“Not going to the courts today would mean leaving Ukraine to criminals without
a fight."
While election monitors were quick to declare the election process had been
“free and fair,” there has been growing disquiet that their proclamations were
too premature, considering the fraud demonstrated by Mr Yanukovych’s supporters
five years ago.
“Yanukovych’s team has learned much since 2004,” said First Deputy Prime
Minister Oleksandr Turchynov, “the falsifications we have witnessed are less
obvious and much harder to verify, but they are there.”
In her address, Ms Tymoshenko said that several observers from the Organisation
for Cooperation and Security in Europe (OSCE) election monitoring mission
supported her challenge and were concerned at “systematic fraud.”
Last week the OSCE and other bodies gave the Ukraine election a clean bill of
health. It did however voice concern over a major change in-between rounds in
the election process.
Legislation hurriedly instigated by the Party of Regions dispensed with the
requirement for a quorum of representatives from both sides to approve the
count. It meant that in 38,000 polling stations nationwide, local Party of
Regions commissioners had the power to sign-off the results without the
approval from commission members from the Bloc of Yulia Tymoshenko (BYuT).
Yesterday the CEC said that it will not consider Ms Tymoshenko’s complaints.
Meanwhile, Ms Tymoshenko’s representative at the CEC said that they will take
the issue to the courts. He confirmed there are 43 cases in the Kyiv court of
appeals concerning the inaction of the CEC in considering complaints. Going
through the courts will be an uphill struggle for Ms Tymoshenko. Both the CEC
and the courts are staffed predominantly by Party of Regions-run
“I very well know, as you do, the quality of our courts. But at the same time,
I have a responsibility to you and the country to fight for the restoration of
justice,” said Ms Tymoshenko.
[1] Unusually high number of ballots with votes cast for Ms Tymoshenko
intentionally damaged and therefore invalidated.
[2] With the help of local government bodies, parallel lists of voters
were drawn up in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, enabling voters to vote
[3] Numerous changes in the voter list were made on the day of voting in
violation of the law.
[4] Cases of voting by election commissioners or other voters for other
persons not present at the polling station.
[5] Artificial increase in the turnout in Eastern regions of Ukraine
caused by the transport between voting precincts of voters organised by the
Party of Regions. Furthermore,
intensive campaigning on the day of elections is in violation of the
[6] Numerous violations in the PEC protocols submitted to the DECs;
violations of requirements on the corrections in the PEC protocols.
[7] A suspiciously high number of voters who voted from home (more then 1
million), many of whom did not have permission to do so. A high incidence of
home voting based on applications written in the same handwriting.
[8] Counting of damaged ballots in favour of Viktor Yanukovych in the
southern and eastern regions of
NOTE: Questions or comments? Email the Inform Newsletter at nlysova@beauty.net.ua.
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4. THE
Just because the Orange revolutionaries
lost in Ukraine, doesn't mean their cause did.
Analysis & Commentary: By David J. Kramer
Foreign Policy, Wash, D.C., Mon, February 8, 2010
Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych's apparent victory in yesterday's
presidential election over Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko -- at last count, he
had about a 3 percent lead and was pushing Tymoshenko to concede -- has many
observers ready to proclaim the death of the Orange Revolution.
Indeed, the revolution's hero, Viktor Yushchenko, got less than 6 percent of the
vote last month in the election's first round. If his prime minister,
Tymoshenko, loses too, the election will certainly mark a reverse-changing of
the guard. This year's victor, Yanukovych, was the very leader ousted after
hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians took to the streets of Kiev in chilly
November and December, 2004.
Nothing like that is expected this time because much has changed since 2004.
And despite its apparent reversal, the Orange Revolution is partly responsible
for the much improved climate this time around.
For sure, Ukrainians have good reason to feel disappointed with what became of
the Orange Revolution of 2004; its dreams were never realized, leading to
tremendous disillusionment among Ukrainians and observers in the West. President
Yushchenko's dismal showing in the first round reflected the population's
strong disapproval of his leadership.
Tymoshenko, Yushchenko's erstwhile Orange Revolution partner, also bore
responsibility as current prime minister -- overseeing a disastrous economic
performance last year that saw GDP decline nearly 15 percent. Even in Europe
and Washington, "Ukraine fatigue" had set in.
So now, five years after so many Ukrainians went to the polls to
enthusiastically vote for their candidate, this time around many held their
nose while casting their ballots, voting as much against Yushchenko as for a
candidate. Turnout in the first round, while lower than in 2004, was a
respectable 67 percent; in the second round, it was 68 percent. (Ukrainians,
trained during Soviet times to turn out to vote, still take their civic
responsibility seriously, even in freezing cold temperatures.)
But while less invigorating than the 2004 campaign, this year's vote was also
quite a bit cleaner. Last time, the leading opposition candidate, Yushchenko,
was poisoned with dioxin; those responsible have still not been held
accountable. The media in 2004 operated in a climate of fear and were given
orders from the administration on what to write and report. The party in power
engaged in massive electoral abuse, for example by spending state resources to
support the candidacy of the incumbent, Yanukovych.
Russia weighed in -- in an incredibly heavy-handed manner, providing some $600
million in support of Yanukovych's campaign. As if the message wasn't clear
enough, Russian President Vladimir Putin stood at Yanukovych's side twice
during the race to demonstrate his country's support for the incumbent, once
during a military parade down a main street in Kiev. Of course, Moscow's support
eventually backfired as Ukrainians decided that they (not the Russians) should
choose their leader.
No such funny business was repeated this time around, nor during parliamentary
elections in 2006 and 2007. None of the candidates faced harm or intimidation.
The media are today the freest and most diverse in the former Soviet Union.
Although some journalists are still on the payrolls of candidates and business
interests (it doesn't help that oligarchs own most of the TV stations), they
are free to slam the government and candidates at will -- without fear for
their lives.
Administrative abuses have been minimal, evidenced by the fact that the sitting
president came in an embarrassing fifth place. And even Russia largely stayed
on the sidelines, having learned its lesson the hard way five years ago.
Besides, this time Moscow seemed ambivalent between the two front-runners. As
one observer put it, Moscow likes Tymoshenko but doesn't trust her; they trust
Yanukovych more but don't like him.
All these positives add up to an election that is fundamentally different from
the 2004 vote. This is in fact the third ballot, after the two parliamentary
ones in 2006 and 2007, to have passed the test of international election
observers. In other words, Ukraine has shown that it knows how to conduct good
elections in a relatively democratic space. That neither candidate in this
second round was terribly appealing should not detract from the gains that have
been made over the past five years.
results in the first round also offered hope that some relatively
"new" faces may not be far in the offing. These included former
foreign minister and speaker of the parliament Arseniy Yatsenyuk and former
central bank governor and businessman Serhei Tigipko (who also ran Yanukovych's
campaign in 2004). The latter's third-place showing surprised many people and
suggested that new political leaders are gaining momentum.
So what is up next for Ukraine? We are likely to see court
challenges by the Tymoshenko camp, which, given the narrow deficit she faces,
is not unreasonable. Hopefully, these legal challenges will be resolved as soon
as possible, since the last thing Ukraine needs is a long, drawn-out, legal
process that leaves the country in a state of uncertainty or paralysis.
Once the results are official and the new president is sworn in,
it is vital that the West engages right away. There is no doubt that Russia,
which agreed to send a new ambassador to Ukraine after the first round, will be
looking to step up its engagement with the new team in Kiev.
The West should do the same, not out of a sense of competition
with Moscow but out of recognition that Ukraine is important and matters in its
own right. Ukraine, a country of 46 million strategically located between
Russia and the European Union, holds tremendous potential as a contributor to
regional stability. If all goes according to plan, it could even become a model
for other countries in the region, including Russia, to follow.
But here's the message to those writing the obituaries of the
Orange Revolution: Put down your pens and step back from those keyboard, get
over your Ukraine fatigue, take aspirin for the headaches still to come, and do
everything possible to ensure that the positives from 2004 do not go to
NOTE: David J. Kramer is senior transatlantic fellow at the German Marshall
Fund of the United States in Washington. He headed the International Republican
Institute's election observation delegation to Ukraine's second round of the presidential
election. He writes here in a personal capacity.
LINK: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/02/08/ why_the_orange_revolution_didnt_just_die
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5. IN
& Commentary: By Tammy Lynch
ISCIP Analyst (Caucasus/Central Asia/Western Regions),
Analytical Review, Volume XVI, No. 8, Boston University,
MA, Thursday, 18 February 10
BOSTON - On 16 February, Ukraine Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko made good on
earlier statements by officially filing documents with the country’s Supreme
(Higher) Administrative Court to overturn the country’s presidential election
results. (1)
day later, the Court suspended the official declaration of results by the
Central Election Commission (CEC) while it examines the three large boxes of
documents submitted with Tymoshenko’s complaint. (2)
court, however, declined to halt the scheduled 25 February inauguration of
Yanukovych, saying its jurisdiction only allows it to deal with the actions of
the CEC. However, electoral legislation grants the court only up to five days
to rule on complaints of election fraud, so the decision must be released by 21
February – four days before the inauguration.
announced election winner—and current candidate—Viktor Yanukovych responded to
the court’s action with silence. Yanukovych’s ally Hanna Herman, however,
dismissed the move as a “mere formality.” (3)
is correct, to a point. In accepting the complaint for consideration, the court
must automatically suspend the declaration of results. It is not meant to
suggest any conclusion regarding the legality of the results.
the court also had the option to find no legal cause to examine the complaint.
Tymoshenko’s evidence apparently met the minimum burden of proof for
consideration of the claim.
most experts suggest that Tymoshenko’s complaint is very unlikely to be found
valid by the court. While the evidence presented “surpassed all expectations,”
according to analyst Volodymyr Polyakov and others questioned by Ukraine’s
media, most agree that to overturn the results, clear evidence of systemic
fraud would be required. (4)
evidence appears instead to show possibly significant, but regionalized,
irregularities that may or may not have affected the outcome. font-family:"MS Mincho";mso-bidi-font-family:"MS Mincho"'>?In addition, at least one
analyst suggests that Yanukovych possesses allies on the court. Therefore,
“Tymoshenko knows she has little chance of winning, but she will use the
proceedings to make strong accusations,” according to Viktor Nebozhenko. (5)
Ihor Zhdanov, a former close ally of President Viktor Yushchenko and one of
Ukraine’s more respected political analysts, suggests that Tymoshenko’s key
evidence includes a reported increase of around 300,000 individuals on the
voter lists on election-day. (6)
Following round one of the election, the European Network of Election
Monitoring Organizations also cited concern about an increase of 400,000 people
on the voter lists on that election-day. (7) It is unclear how or why hundreds
of thousands of voters came to be added only as votes were being cast during
round one and round two.
is also unclear if the additional voters were added uniformly in all regions or
only in specific areas. However, it is understandable why this issue, in a race
determined by under 890,000 votes, would be viewed as critical by Tymoshenko’s
its official English-language newsletter, the Bloc of Yulia Tymoshenko also
alleges irregularities with “a suspiciously high number of voters who voted
from home,” including “a high incidence of home voting based on applications in
the same handwriting.” The Bloc also claims that “an unusually high number of
ballots for Ms. Tymoshenko [were] intentionally damaged and therefore
invalidated,” and “parallel lists of voters were drawn up in the Donetsk and
Luhansk regions, enabling voters to vote twice.” (8)
team, as well as the Central Election Commission, vigorously deny these
evidence has not been released publicly, it is not known if these statements
are supported with clear, convincing documentation. For this reason, Ukrainians
have called on the Court to conduct an open, transparent hearing, which will
allow the evidence to be entered into the court of public opinion.
calls became louder after President Yushchenko—a staunch Tymoshenko opponent—met
with the head of the Supreme Administrative Court. The meeting occurred just
hours before his rival officially filed her case. (9)
suggestion of irregularities that impacted the election outcome will fly in the
face of the findings of the OSCE/ODIHR election observation mission, which
found the election free and fair. "Yesterday's vote was an impressive
display of democratic elections,” the OSCE said in a press release. “For
everyone in Ukraine, this election was a victory.” (10)
OSCE’s voter list numbers also do not correspond with Tymoshenko’s stated
300,000 voters added to voter lists during round two. The OSCE documented an
increase of individuals on voter lists during round two of 150,773 but did not
include foreign precincts, including those in Russia. The
confirms, however, that 400,000 individuals were added to voter lists during
round one, and suggests that it is unknown how those 400,000 were dealt with
between election rounds:
to the voter lists were only partly entered into the voter register, due to the
fact that the procedures for transmitting data on voters added to the lists
were adopted late and were not applied in a uniform manner. In addition, 21
DECs [District Electoral Commissions – ed.] only partly submitted the
information to the register maintenance bodies (RMBs).
As a
result, some voters had to re-apply to be added to the voter lists for the
second round. Some RMBs failed to check whether voters added to voter lists on
election day were legitimately added to the lists.” (11)
OSCE also noted, “Some 1.4 million voters (3.9 per cent of the total number of
voters) were registered to vote by mobile ballot box, about 220,000 voters more
than in the first round.” (12)
organization, however, did not find that these issues directly affected the
outcome of the election. In fact, while many monitoring groups found regional
or localized problems—including pens with disappearing ink at 17 polling
stations in Kyiv—none called the election unfair or unfree.
in reality, this is largely true. With over 25 million votes cast, questions
remain about a small fraction of them – under one million. The majority of
voters cast their ballots in an election that was conducted freely following an
open, spirited campaign that was covered by a generally free media. This is
something of which to be proud – and something rare in the former Soviet Union.
because the margin of victory was so small, the questionable votes identified
by Tymoshenko are now an issue.
this court find Tymoshenko’s complaint credible, it’s only real option is to
nullify the CEC declaration of victory and order the Commission to investigate
these irregularities fully. It has no jurisdiction to overturn results. Should
the CEC fail to act, Tymoshenko could file another complaint to overturn the
results with the Ukraine Supreme Court, based on fraud.
this seems unlikely, Viktor Yanukovych probably will be inaugurated as planned
on 25 February.
this point, he will be Ukraine President, but Tymoshenko will remain Prime
Minister – in the office that holds much of the country’s real power. The
Prime Minister is nominated and confirmed by parliament. The President’s only
duty in this regard is the ceremonial job of entering the nominated name into
parliamentary consideration.
closeness of the election and Tymoshenko’s success so far in undermining
Yanukovych’s victory means it will be more difficult for Yanukovych’s party to
replace her as Prime Minister. Should the new president want to do so, he will
need to do one of two things:
(1) launch an all-out political battle against the head of government,
providing Tymoshenko with the opportunity to claim victimhood and withdraw to
lead the opposition – as Yanukovych and his new PM take responsibility for the
continuing recession; or
(2) dissolve the parliament and call new parliamentary elections, hoping that
Tymoshenko’s claims of election fraud haven’t allowed her to shore up
her support. New parliamentary elections with an equal or stronger Bloc of
Yulia Tymoshenko would be disastrous for Yanukovych.
So, while Tymoshenko is unlikely to win the court battle over election results,
it appears she already has made significant progress in the new political war
for power and influence.
Source Notes:
“Ukraine’s PM Lodges Appeal,” Reuters/Montreal Gazette, 17 Feb 10 via http://www.montrealgazette.com.
“Ukrainian election results suspended on appeal,” Associated Press, 17 Feb 10
via Google News.
(3) “Court Suspends Ukraine Vote Results,” AP/Moscow Times, 18 Feb 10 via www.moscowtimes.com.
“Experts on Tymoshenko chances to win lawsuit,” Zik – Western Information
Agency, 2136 CET, 17 Feb 2010 via http://zik.com.ua.
(5) “Court Suspends Ukraine Vote Results,” AP/Moscow Times.
(6) “Experts on Tymoshenko chances to win lawsuit,” Zik-Western Information
(7) Ukraine Presidential Election, Report on Pre-Election Period, January
18-February 4 2010, page 2, via
http://www.isfed.ge/pdf/enemo_report_on_pre_election _period_ukraine.pdf.
“Inform Newsletter,” 15 Feb 10 via email.
(9) Ukrayinska Pravda, 1616 CET, 15 Feb 2010 via http://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2010/02/15/4773483/.
Press Release: “Run-off confirms that Ukraine's presidential election meets
most international commitments,” OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions
and Human Rights – Elections, 8 Feb 10 via http://www.osce.org/odihr-elections/item_1_42681.html.
Second Round 7 February 2010 STATEMENT OF
PRELIMINARY FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS,” 8 Feb 10, page 3 via http://www.osce.org/documents/odihr/2010/02/42679_en.pdf.
Ibid, page 6.
CONTACT: Tammy Lynch (tammymlynch@hotmail.com)
LINK: www.bu.edu/iscip; Institute for the Study of
Conflict, Ideology & Policy at Boston University, 141 Bay State Road,
Boston, MA 02215.
[return to index] [U.S.-Ukraine Business
Council (USUBC), www.usubc.org]
& Commentary: By Ivan Poltavets and Ievgenii Rovnyi
Inside Ukraine #5, International Centre for Policy Studies (ICPS)
Kyiv, Ukraine, Thursday, February 18, 2010
KYIV - Dear colleagues, please find at the following links the February issue
of Inside Ukraine "Yanukovych Uncovered," http://www.icps.com.ua/eng/index.html or
http://www.icps.com.ua/files/articles/55/63/Inside_Ukraine_ ENG_5_Febr_2010.pdf
The official results of the run-off election announced by the Central Election
Commission made Viktor Yanukovych the new President of Ukraine. The
OSCE and other international observers concluded that Ukraine's election was
fair and transparent and world leaders have already congratulated the
President-elect. Still, uncertainty about how the political situation might
evolve in Ukraine remains high.
In this special issue of Inside Ukraine, ICPS takes a revealing look at Viktor
Yanukovych. We do a little reality check on major myths about Mr.
Yanukovych. We look at the challenges that the new President will face,
appointments he may make, the foreign policy agenda that he will push
through, and the domestic policies he will have to back or oppose.
We also suggest 7 tests for Mr. Yanukovych that will allow both Ukrainians and
the international community to understand where Ukraine is heading.
Enjoy, Olga SHUMYLO, Director, International Centre for, Policy Studies, Kyiv,
Ukraine, http://www.icps.com.ua/eng/index.html
http://www.icps.com.ua/files/articles/55/63/Inside _Ukraine_ENG_5_Febr_2010.pdf
[return to index] [U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC), www.usubc.org]
& Commentary: By James Sherr
Russia & Eurasia Programme
House, Royal Institute of International Affairs
Chatham House Programme Paper, London, UK, Thu, 18 Feb 2010
On 14 February, Ukraine’s Central Electoral Commission officially declared
Viktor Federovych Yanukovych the country’s fourth elected president since
Ukraine declared independence on 24 August 1991. It was, in the words of
Ukraine’s authoritative web-based journal Glavred, ‘the most boring election in
the history of Ukraine’s independence’. That is good news. In
Russia elections are boring because one knows who is going to win. In Ukraine
no one has any idea who will win, nevertheless elections are boring. That is
one of the Orange Revolution’s few triumphs.
But worries now overshadow them. For nineteen years Ukraine has defined itself
unequivocally as a European rather than a Eurasian state, and it generally has
been accepted that the quality of its independence is inseparable from its
ability to distinguish itself from Russia. Leonid Kuchma, the author of
Ukraine’s controversial ‘multi-vector policy’, which during the ten years of
his presidency (1994-2004) sought to counterbalance Russia and the
Euro-Atlantic community, was also the author of a book entitled Ukraine Is Not
Russia. Today, many hope and many fear that this era is drawing to a close.
The truth of the matter will not be known for some time, and it will not be
determined by Yanukovych alone. If, as expected, his victory is confirmed
by the courts (who face legal challenges from his rival, Prime Minister Yulia
Tymoshenko), he will come to power in an economically ruined country, deeply
dependent on Western-dominated financial institutions. He will also be
governing a highly pluralistic state and will swiftly find (if he does not
grasp the point already) that he will not be able to use power effectively
unless he shares it. His parliamentary coalition will have to be based on
compromises if it is to endure at all.
offices of state, not to say the most competent officials in the country, link
Ukraine’s future with Europe, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and armed
forces have acquired a decidedly Euro-Atlantic orientation. The more
competitive business sector is not only drawn to European markets, but
increasingly to a European model that promises emancipation from the
rent-seeking bureaucracies, avaricious politicians, shadowy intermediaries and
weak property rights that have plagued economic relations in Ukraine.
Nevertheless, as President, Yanukovych will wield considerable power, and it is
prudent to worry about how he might use it. He will also have the support
of a large, embittered and vindicated constituency which, unlike the
disillusioned supporters of Tymoshenko, loathed the Orange Revolution too much
to feel betrayed by it. For most of his career, Yanukovych has behaved in
accordance with the axiom, ‘influence is good, control is better’.
keen to appear as an exponent of consensus and reconciliation in his scripted
audiences with Western journalists, his less guarded comments suggest that the
instinct for domination has not disappeared. Speaking on Rossiya 24
television on 13 February, he stated, ‘[t]he new authorities have come.
The old authorities, who have not been recognised by the Ukrainian people at
this election, should go’. ‘Not recognised’ is a bold statement for
someone whose victory rests on 3.48 percent of the vote.
his inner circle and his constituency are also convinced that a course that
sets Ukraine at cross purposes with Russia is dangerous for the country’s
security and distressing to the majority of its people. However, the risk
is not that Yanukovych, any more than Kuchma, will choose to be a ‘vassal of
Russia’. It is that the steps he takes will inadvertently damage his
other professed objectives: closer relations with the EU, cooperation with NATO
and the economic success of Ukraine.
worries will now be felt in four key areas of policy:
[1] Energy. Yanukovych has articulated two firm principles
regarding energy. He will renegotiate the Tymoshenko-Putin January 2009
Ukraine-Russia gas supply contract (which, in the opinion of most energy
specialists, has brought greater transparency to European energy markets), and
he will resurrect the 2002 scheme to transfer ownership of Ukraine’s
state-owned gas transit system to a three-way consortium. As he told
Russia-24, ‘I would like us to return to the format of relations we had five
years ago’. Yet five years ago, there was no gas consortium, because
Kuchma had no intention of going forward with it.
also were no bypass projects, such as South Stream, which Yanukovych hopes
Russia will now abandon. What existed then were heavily subsidised gas prices,
which Yanukovych plainly hopes Russia will restore in exchange for de facto
ownership of the gas transit system. What also existed and what President
Yushchenko, to everyone’s surprise, revived was an opaquely structured market
dominated by intermediaries.
key stakeholder in these arrangements, Yuriy Boyko, a former chairman of the
state-owned supply company, Naftohaz, and subsequently Minister of Fuel and
Energy, is now widely tipped to return to the latter post. If
Yanukovych’s aspirations bear fruit, they will have a profoundly retrograde
effect on European gas markets.
will reverse the trends in the direction of market-based pricing, which have
been gathering momentum even in Russia’s internal market, and to diminished
dependency on Russian supplies. They will remove the greatest impetus towards
energy diversification and efficiency in Ukraine (which, before the financial
crisis, was the sixth largest consumer of natural gas in the world).
will deprive Ukraine of leverage in future pricing disputes with Russia. Not least
of all, they will demolish the rationale for proceeding with EU and
US-sponsored modernisation schemes, such as the 23 March 2009 EU-Ukraine
agreement, and they will threaten future IMF assistance.
[2] Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, whose lease in Crimea,
according to the 1997 accords, is due to expire in 2017. That Yanukovych
is open to extending the lease is unsurprising, and it is widely rumoured that
Tymoshenko expressed the same openness to Prime Minister Putin during the gas
negotiations of November 2009. But under today’s terms, which
render significant aspects of the Fleet’s activity—economic, military and
intelligence related—unspecified and unregulated?
on the basis of a NATO-style Status of Forces Agreement which would subject
these activities to codification, oversight and agreement? Thus far, Yanukovych
has spoken only of a ‘package’ embracing ‘quite a few issues’, and this
does not quell fears that he would allow today’s murky and potentially menacing
arrangements to continue.
[3] NATO. Yanukovych’s pledge to ‘participate actively’ in President
Medvedev’s European security initiative will mean little until the West’s core
institutions, NATO, the EU and the OSCE agree to do the same. His formula
of maintaining cooperation with NATO whilst deferring discussion of membership
for the indefinite future means equally little in view of political realities
in Europe. But what will ‘cooperation’ mean in practice?
it means an institutionalised role for NATO in Ukrainian defence reform and the
extensive participation of Ukrainian armed forces in NATO-led operations.
Until a new defence minister is appointed, it is impossible to say which of
these arrangements will continue and in what form. Were the NATO-Ukraine
Commission and joint planning process to dissolve, the relationship as it has
evolved since 1997 would cease to exist.
[4] Economic Stability and EU Relations. The revival of
Kuchma-style hard corruption, not to say politically repressive measures, would
take EU-Ukraine cooperation off the table. The appointment to the premiership
of Mykola Azarov, architect of the Kuchma-era tax police and, by many accounts,
some of the financially coercive measures of that era, would give substance to
the first worry, if not the second.
appointment of Serhiy Lavochkin (former adviser to Kuchma) as Chief of Staff
and Boyko’s reappointment would add to these worries, which surely would be
compounded in the event of a major redistribution of property and a
reopening of investigations against Tymoshenko for alleged wrongdoing in the
1990s. The ranks of those seeking revenge and restitution are not small.
(Boyko himself was twice interrogated by the Security Services (SBU) in 2005
and, according to its then chairman and Tymoshenko loyalist, Aleksandr
Turchynov, was on the point of arrest).
This catalogue of dread, assiduously presented by Yulia Tymoshenko’s campaign
team, would fundamentally alter Ukraine’s place in Europe. But is it
There are four good reasons to hope that it is not realistic:
[1] Parliament. Without a parliamentary
majority, the new president’s top appointments will not be confirmed. At
present, Tymoshenko still enjoys a de jure majority, and her ouster as Prime
Minister could prove more difficult than many assume. Yanukovych’s Party
of Regions is well short of a majority, with 172 seats in the 450-member
unicameral chamber, the Verkhovna Rada. Were the Communists (27 seats)
and the bloc of the Rada’s chairman, Volodymyr Lytvyn (20 seats) to join them,
they would be in striking distance of one, but the terms demanded by the
Communists might be unpalatable to Lytvyn’s supporters and many inside Regions
is more likely that a majority of Yushchenko’s Our Ukraine People’s
Self-Defence bloc (36 out of 71) would join Regions in coalition along with
Lytvyn and even some 20-25 members of the 153-member Bloc of Yulia Tymoshenko.
But there would be terms: sooner or later, the return of a ‘safe pair of hands’
like Yuriy Yekhanurov as Prime Minister (the post he held under Yushchenko
between September 2005 and August 2006) and prominent positions for Petro
Poroshenko (current Minister of Foreign Affairs) and several other ‘pragmatic’
figures in the Orange pantheon.
Yanukovych would have to maintain this majority by pursuing policies that it
will support. His threat to escape these constraints by calling a snap
election rings increasingly hollow. The gap between him and Tymoshenko
was rapidly closing in the hours before polls closed on the 7th, and the odds
are that a new election will return fewer seats to Regions than it already has.
certainty of a tough parliamentary opposition, the growing capacity of
third-force politicians like Serhiy Tyhypko, Arseniy Yatseniuk and Anatoliy
Grytsenko and the approach of local elections (30 May) will only add to the
ranks of those determined to hold Yanukovych to account.
[2] Divisions in the Party of Regions. Viktor Yanukovych
might be an authoritarian figure, but by comparison to the personalised Bloc of
Yulia Tymoshenko, the Party of Regions is a pluralistic party. The
party’s biggest financier and Ukraine’s richest man, Rinat Akhmetov, has no
wish to see Ukraine put additional barriers between itself and Europe, whether
through defiance or incompetence. Like at least half of the party elite, the
most probable new foreign minister, Konstyantyn Gryshchenko (now ambassador in
Moscow), has never sought integration with Russia, but integration with Europe
by means that do not antagonise Russia.
himself whilst in office always kept his distance from the dogmas of the
party’s ‘swamp’, which he thunderously defended on the campaign trial. He
has already backed away from his promise to make Russian an official language,
instead calling for observing the European Charter for Regional and Minority
Languages ‘which will enable the Russian-speaking population and other ethnic
groups to speak their mother tongue’. As Prime Minister under Kuchma, he
was the architect of the NATO-Ukraine memorandum on strategic airlift and
supported the Membership Action Plan that he now opposes.
[3] A Transformed Energy Market. Yanukovych’s gas consortium
initiative is out of kilter with economic and political reality. For one
thing, two gas crises and the Russia-Georgia war have changed the climate in
Europe. Diversification and marketisation are now seen as imperatives, and the
measures proposed by the European Commission have begun to take root.
years ago, the odds were very strong against the Nabucco pipeline being built;
today they are moderately in favour. The global economic crisis, the rapid
expansion of US gas production and the attractiveness of LNG have created a
more open gas market and a sharp fall of demand for Russian pipeline gas. The
German appetite for the consortium is therefore not what it was.
the ambitions of Gazprom and the Kremlin to control Ukraine’s GTS are
unchanged, Yanukovych’s quid pro quo—a return to subsidies—is not only unpalatable,
but unaffordable. Those in Moscow most expected to welcome his proposal are
likely to cold shoulder it. So, very likely, are the parliamentarians of
Ukraine who would be obliged to overturn the 2006 law prohibiting such a step
(which at the time Yanukovych supported).
[4] Relations with the West. The West’s influence
is now inescapable, however Washington and Brussels plan to make use of it.
Ukraine’s GDP fell by 14 percent in 2009, inflation is running at an annual
rate of over 12 percent, budget revenue plunged by 20 percent, banking deposits
by 26 percent, and capital flight rose to $13.6 bn. External debt exceeds $30
bn, and debt servicing requirements stand at $4 bn per annum.
servicing terms, credit ratings and macro-economic assistance are hostage to
the confidence of the Western banks and institutions upon which Ukraine is now
dependent. The basis for a policy of conditionality is possibly stronger
than it ever has been, and it will be puzzling if Western representatives and prominent
Ukrainians do not point this out.
Given all these factors, it would be surprising if Yanukovych’s presidency did
not enhance what has been the defining feature of Ukraine’s political
culture: distrust of power. The country that elected him seeks stability,
not repression, and if Yanukovych forgets this, he will swiftly discover that
the polity is far from powerless. Whether this mixture of ambitions,
impulses, pragmatism and constraints leads to responsible government, a new set
of stalemates or a muddle remains to be seen. But the West needs to be
acting, not just watching, because once again there is everything to play for.
NOTE: Article published by USUBC with the permission of the
author, James Sherr.
[return to index] [U.S.-Ukraine Business
Council (USUBC), www.usubc.org]
Op-Ed, By Steven Pifer
The New York Times, NY, NY, Tue, February 9, 2010
If Viktor Yanukovich, the winner of the presidential race in Ukraine, acts
quickly to address his country’s pressing problems, he could move it out of
the doldrums and cure the “Ukraine fatigue” afflicting Washington and most
European capitals.
As Viktor Yushchenko exits the presidency, Ukraine faces a host of problems. It
suffered a crushing 14 percent fall in gross domestic product in 2009.
Unwise pricing policies and widespread corruption have put the critical gas
sector in virtual bankruptcy. The nasty in-fighting between Mr. Yushchenko
and his prime minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, kept Kiev from implementing needed
responses to these challenges.
As a result, Ukraine fatigue has again gripped the West. This malady first
broke out in 1998 in the U.S. Congress. American legislators, weary of the
slow pace of reform and mistreatment of U.S. investors, scaled back their
generous assistance earmarks for Kiev. A subsequent outbreak was cured by
the 2004 Orange Revolution, as Ukrainians inspired the West with a determined
defense of their right to have their votes counted fairly.
Unfortunately, Mr. Yushchenko and Ms. Tymoshenko, close allies during the
Orange Revolution, could not cooperate in power and failed to build on the
revolution’s promise. Ukraine fatigue returned with a vengeance. The country
has ceased to be a priority for the European Union and, given everything now
on the Obama foreign policy plate, barely registers on Washington’s radar.
Mr. Yanukovich’s victory on Sunday rings with irony. After all, the Orange
Revolution threw out his tainted election. But the Ukrainian electorate has
given him a new chance. He now has an opportunity — and the responsibility — to
show he can provide the decisive leadership his country needs.
the preferences might have been in the Washington and Europe, Ukrainians have
made their choice. No compelling evidence of major voting
irregularities has emerged, and international observers praised the election
for meeting democratic standards, now the norm for Ukraine. The West should
congratulate and engage Mr. Yanukovich, and urge him to get on with addressing
Ukraine’s daunting problems.
A serious attack on corruption would create better conditions for both
Ukrainian and foreign businesses. Reforming the gas sector would strengthen
Ukraine’s energy security and benefit Europe: Gas spats between Kiev and Moscow
have twice in the past four years halted gas flows to Europe.
Coherent policymaking in Kiev would give Western capitals something with which
to work.
Tackling this reform agenda will require tough decisions by Ukraine’s new
leadership. The United States and European Union should jointly send a
message to Kiev containing three key points:
[1] First, the West welcomes Mr. Yanukovich as the democratically elected
leader of Ukraine. However, a reversal of the democratic progress that Kiev
has made in the past five years would have profoundly negative consequences for
relations with the West.
[2] Second, the West understands that Mr. Yanukovich’s foreign policy may
differ from his predecessor’s. The doors to integration and cooperation with
institutions such as the European Union and NATO nevertheless will remain open;
Kiev should indicate how far and how fast it wishes to proceed.
[3] Third, the West will assess his seriousness by the seriousness of his
policies. The West cannot want Ukraine to succeed more than Ukrainians do.
Should Mr. Yanukovich avoid crucial actions such as energy sector reform, that
is his choice — even an understandable one given the tough politics
that surround the issue. The West will still seek good relations. But
Washington and Brussels should make clear that in such circumstances, Kiev
should not expect the West to extend itself by intervening, for example, with
the International Monetary Fund to cut Ukraine slack on meeting its loan
The goal should be to encourage Kiev to take steps that will make Ukraine more
democratic, more stable and more capable of fending for itself. That will
advance the country’s interests and make it a better partner for Europe. If
Kiev proves unwilling to take such steps, the county will linger in the
doldrums — and Ukraine fatigue in the West will grow.
NOTE: Steven Pifer is a former
U.S. ambassador to Ukraine and a senior fellow at The Brookings Institution in
A version of this article appeared in print on February 10, 2010, in The
International Herald Tribune.
LINK: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/10/opinion/10iht-edpifer.html?scp=1&sq=pifer%20ukraine%20&st=cse
[return to index] [U.S.-Ukraine Business Council
(USUBC), www.usubc.org]
We are a nation with a European identity, but we have historic
and economic ties to Russia as well. We can benefit from both.
Europe: By Victor Yanukovych
Wall Street Journal, NY, NY, Wed, Feb 17, 2010
the past month, Ukraine has demonstrated twice that it cherishes the values of
democracy and the belief that it is important for people to vote. Ukraine's
presidential election was validated by all of the major international observer
groups as free, fair and transparent, which attested to the Ukrainian people's
resolve for a democratic election. The people of Ukraine desired change and
their voices were heard. Now we have the great responsibility to help our
fellow countrymen, who have cast votes for me hoping for a better life.
This election was defined by a financial and economic crisis that has
devastated our country. Before the global economic crisis, Ukraine was one of
Europe's top emerging markets, and economic prosperity did not seem beyond our
reach in the near term. Now all that has changed, and the people demanded
change in the way our Government works in Ukraine.
We must still put an end to the political turmoil that has crippled Ukraine and
held our country hostage for so long. I will work ardently to do this as
president. The only way that this can be accomplished is for the top political
forces and their leaders, immediately after the presidential election results
have been declared and certified, to avoid confrontation and unite for the sake
of saving our country. We are a nation capable of great things but we will
accomplish none of them if we continue to bicker among ourselves and ignore the
enormous challenges that we must confront.
Let me say here, a Yanukovych presidency is committed to the integration of
European values in Ukraine. Ukraine should make use of its geopolitical
advantages and become a bridge between Russia and the West. Developing a good
relationship with the West and bridging the gap to Russia will help Ukraine. We
should not be forced to make the false choice between the benefits of the East
and those of the West.
president I will endeavor to build a bridge between both, not a one-way street
in either direction. We are a nation with a European identity, but we have
historic cultural and economic ties to Russia as well. The re-establishment of
relations with the Russian Federation is consistent with our European
ambitions. We will rebuild relations with Moscow as a strategic economic
partner. There is no reason that good relations with all of our neighbors
cannot be achieved.
If we hope to become a bridge between two important spheres we cannot merely
talk and make promises; we must deliver concrete policies and achieve real
progress. If we hope to join the European Union we must secure political
stability and establish ourselves as an economically viable nation. We must be
pragmatic and focused to achieve EU membership. We must create transparent
policies that allow our economy to thrive and demonstrate that Ukraine will add
value to the EU as a new member state.
I am committed to conducting a policy that would strengthen our links with
respected international financial institutions, and increase our standing in
the world economic community. My election program, "Ukraine for the
People," is a deep and comprehensive plan that clearly specifies how to
achieve social and economic progress. It is not an easy task. We will be
confronted with the same conflicts as Europe and Washington have faced—how to
stimulate our economy to create jobs while not decreasing the social
protections needed by our citizens. We must defeat corruption, which has become
rampant over the last several years and has damaged our ability to attract
foreign investment.
If we hope to join the EU and raise the standard of living of Ukrainians to
that of other European nations, we must restore our economy from within. There
are three fundamental objectives the Ukrainian economy must achieve in order to
thrive: First, we must create jobs; second, we must stabilize prices so people
can afford the necessities that they need to live; and third, we must ensure
our citizens receive adequate wages and pensions. Giving our citizens a basic
economic foundation is a critical first step to restoring the broken bond
between the people and the government of Ukraine.
And so that is my agenda—to restore economic vitality and calm the political
turbulence that has plagued our nation; to enable Ukraine to take advantage of
its natural positioning as a thriving bridge between Russia and the West; and
finally, to prepare a free and open Ukraine, economically and politically, to
join the European Union when the time comes.
Ukraine is a beautiful country with hard-working and virtuous people who ask
only for a chance at a better life. I know that if we can come together, we
will achieve great things. As president, I plan to give Ukrainians the nation
they deserve—a Ukraine for the people.
Mr. Yanukovych is president-elect of Ukraine.
LINK: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405274870480420 4575069251843839386.html?KEYWORDS=ukraine
[return to index] [U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC), www.usubc.org]
Daryna Krasnolutska and Lyubov Pronina
News, Kiev, Ukraine, Wed, Feb 17, 2010
KIEV - Ukraine’s President-elect Viktor Yanukovych may be stepping up
efforts to move the former Soviet state closer to Russia and end a standoff
that’s obstructed gas flows and heightened regional tensions for half a decade.
In the 11 days since beating Yulia Timoshenko in a runoff vote, Yanukovych
signaled on his Web site he may allow Russia’s Black Sea Fleet to stay in
Ukrainian waters. He asked for Russian help to ease gas flows into Europe and
yesterday said he wants Ukraine to join Russia’s customs union with Belarus and
Kazakhstan, Kommersant reported.
“policy will steer the country toward a return of good, friendly relations with
Russia,” said Sergei Markov, a lawmaker in Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s
United Russia Party. “What we observed before was an artificial attempt to make
Russia and Ukraine quarrel.”
Yanukovych, 59, who has promised to restore Russian as Ukraine’s second
official language, also says he will seek to balance Russian and European Union
ties. While he wrote in the Wall St. Journal yesterday that he wants to prepare
Ukraine for EU membership “when the time comes,” his actions indicate his
ambition to renew relations with Moscow may be stronger than he signaled
is still under the influence of his election win,” said Yuriy Yakymenko, an
analyst at the Kiev-based Razumkov Center for Political and Economic Studies.
“He pledged to implement all changes that Russia would like to see, ignoring
Ukraine’s political context and without thinking whether he really can do it.”
defeat of outgoing President Viktor Yushchenko in the Jan. 17 first round ended
an era of tense Ukraine-Russian relations that contributed to a souring of ties
between Moscow and Washington.
Presidents George W. Bush and Putin used Yushchenko’s ambition to steer the
country into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as an excuse to ramp up
antagonism between the two former Cold War adversaries and prompted fears of a
military clash in the region.
Kremlin curbed natural-gas deliveries to Ukraine in 2006 and 2009, withheld a
new ambassador to Kiev and accused Yushchenko of supplying arms to Georgia
during Russia’s war with its southern neighbor in August 2008.
who defeated Yanukovych in the 2004 Orange Revolution, had targeted NATO
membership and joining the European Union as ways of freeing Ukraine from
Russian influence. Ukraine’s economic collapse since then, which has left it
reliant on a $16.4 billion International Monetary Fund loan, and his bickering
with Timoshenko have left voters jaded and contributed to his defeat.
In yesterday’s Journal article, Yanukovych pledged to rebuild ties with
Ukraine’s nuclear-armed neighbor. “We are a nation with a European identity but
we have historic cultural and economic ties to Russia as well,” he wrote. “We
will rebuild relations with Moscow as a strategic economic partner.”
which traces its statehood to medieval Kiev, shares close economic, linguistic
and religious ties to its neighbor. Without Ukraine, Russia stops being an
empire with a foothold in Europe, former U.S. national security adviser
Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in his 1997 book “The Grand Chessboard.”
was incorporated into the USSR in 1922 and it was known as the breadbasket of
the Soviet empire because of its agricultural produce.
of industrialized eastern Ukraine is populated by Russian speakers whose first
loyalty was always to Moscow. The Crimean peninsula on the Black Sea,
associated with some of Russia’s greatest writers including Chekhov, Bulgakov
and Tolstoy, was given to the Ukrainian soviet republic by Russia in 1954.
Black Sea fleet is based in Crimea and 80 percent of Russian gas exports to
Europe go through Ukrainian territory. Eastern Ukraine will become part of
Russia “in five years,” said Vladimir Zhirinovsky, head of the
Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia, on Ekho Moskvy radio. “The east is Russian.
The population is largely Russian,” Yanukovych is “basically Russian.”
Yanukovych has made clear he won’t stick to the NATO membership aspiration,
some of his promises to Russia will require significant legislative upheaval to
offer to allow the Black Sea Fleet to stay past 2017 ignores Ukraine’s
constitution, which doesn’t allow foreign troops outside the terms of the
lease. Yanukovych will need to secure a 300 vote majority in the 450-seat
parliament to overturn that law.
military strategy stipulates that the country should target NATO entry, though
membership would require a referendum. Yanukovych’s request to join the customs
union seems not to take into account Ukraine’s membership in the World Trade
Organization since May 2008.
comments obviously reflect a change in policy,” Yushchenko said at a meeting of
his Our Ukraine Party on Feb. 16.
has been congratulated on his victory by U.S. President Barack Obama, EU
Commission President Jose Barroso and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh
Rasmussen, though Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was first to invite him for
an official visit, Interfax reported on Feb. 15.
“Russiagains by having a friendlier and even preferential relationship but not a
dominant one,” said Chris Weafer, chief strategist at UralSib Financial Corp.
in Moscow. “That delivers the Holy Grail for the Kremlin. Good business andgood politics: Putin’s dream.”
NOTE: With assistance from Kateryna Choursina in Kiev, Lucian Kim and Patrick
Henry in Moscow. Editors: Tasneem Brogger, Chris Kirkham.
To contact the reporters on this story: Daryna Krasnolutska in Kiev at
+38-044-490-1252 or dkrasnolutsk@bloomberg.net
contact the editors for this story: Chris Kirkham at +44-20-7673-2464 or ckirkham@bloomberg.net.
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