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#41, December 2013

Congratulations to all the students, rectors and universities of Ukraine who continue to support the EuroMaidan!

Thank you for your solidarity and support!

Together we are many!

Sergiy Kvit speaks on December 8th at EuroMaidan
Serhiy  KvitOn a cold December 8th, Serhiy Kvit, Kyiv Mohyla Academy president, joined the clergy, leaders of civil society and the opposition, students and all protesters at Independence Square – EuroMaidan, and addressed the multitudes with words of support from Kyiv Mohyla Academy students, faculty and administration. He called for calm and peaceful protest against the government’s violence against its citizens, and solidarity at a critical time of Ukraine’s history, when the people of Ukraine demand their right to make a European choice.
Виступ Сергія Квіта 8 грудня

Kyiv Mohyla Academy Leads Students in Support of EU Association and Democratic Rights
NaUKMA marchingKyiv Mohyla Academy students called upon all students of Ukraine’s universities to protest against President Yanukovych’s refusal to sign the EU Association Agreement, to join the EuroMaidan and condemn of the violence used by government forces against peaceful demonstrators. NaUKMA students and their faculty and administration played key roles as speakers and participants.
Читати українською

Write to Amnesty International
Amnesty  International banner
Kyiv Mohyla Academy issued a call for participation in the annual global Write for Rights Campaign of Amnesty International, to defend the rights of Ukrainians who are protesting against violence and brutality of their government, and asking for the defense of human rights and freedoms. Sign the Petition

Mohylianka on euromaidan
Photos from EuroMaidan
Video from EuroMaidan

NaUKMA  logo on strike
More Links about Kyiv Mohyla Students on EuroMaudan:
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Консультативний центр при Правничій клініці для студентів українських вишів діє з 27 листопада