CRDF Global Launches New Corporate Brand: Inspired by People, Driven by Science

International Scientific & Technical Collaboration
CRDF Global, Arlington, VA
Tue, May 12, 2015
ARLINGTON, VA—Asit marks its 20th anniversary this week, CRDF Global unveiled today its new corporate brand with thetagline: Inspired by People, Driven byScience. CRDF Global is an independent nonprofit organization thatpromotes international scientific and technical collaboration through grants,technical resources, training and services. The organization specializes inbringing isolated scientific communities into the global scientific mainstream.
“Our new logosignifies that the creation of the whole is greater than the simple sum of itsparts. This is a foundation of international science cooperation,” said CRDFGlobal President and CEO, Cathy Campbell. “The tagline highlights theincredible relationships and networks that we have built dedicated to science,technology and innovation. We are grateful to the National Science Foundation(NSF) for its role in establishing CRDF Global, and for its continued support.We look forward with great anticipation to the next 20 years of being inspiredby people and driven by science,” said Campbell.
On May 10, 1995,President Clinton announced the U.S.would create a civilian research and development foundation (CRDF) to supportcooperation between American engineers and scientists and those from the formerSoviet Union. “CRDF” was established by theNSF under a congressional authorization and was funded by a $5 million giftfrom philanthropist George Soros and a $5 million matching contribution fromthe Department of Defense. This initial funding supported basic and appliedresearch efforts, and promoted development of market economies of theseEurasian countries. Twenty year later, the organization – now CRDF Global –maintains its focus on international collaboration for science and innovation.However, its reach has expanded to more than 40 countries, and fourinternational offices, in addition to its headquarters in Arlington, VA.
Since its founding,CRDF Global has been responsible for:
· Almost7,000 grants, engaging over 12,000 scientists and representing more than $200million in total support.
· Over50 equipment and education centers established in eight countries.
· Over$43 million leveraged in contributions from foreign government and U.S.industry.
· Morethan 2,000 individual projects, valued at over $300 million, facilitated onbehalf of over 200 clients.
A highlight ofcommemorating the 20th anniversary will be the 2015 CRDF GlobalAnnual Awards Gala. Nobel Laureate Peter Agre will receive the George BrownAward for International Scientific Cooperation, and DuPont will receive CRDF Global’s Corporate Impact Award.The Gala will be held on November 18, 2015 at the historic Decatur House acrossfrom the White House in Washington, D.C.
About CRDF Global
CRDF Global is anindependent, nonprofit organization established in 1995 to promoteinternational scientific and technical collaboration through grants, technicalresources, training, and services. CRDF Global has nearly 20 years ofexperience managing international research funding programs and supportingemerging science and technology infrastructure in more than 40 countries inEurasia, the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia.
(USA) Becky Sheetz-Runkle bsheetz@beckysheetz.com 703-501-0533
(Ukraine) Tetyana Narchynska Ukraine@crdfglobal.org (038)-044-253-7223