NCSEJ Weekly Updates
National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry
Wash D.C., Fri, Feb 6, 2015
FROM:Stephen M. Greenberg, Chairman;
Alexander Smukler, NCSEJ President;
Mark B. Levin, NCSEJ ExecutiveDirector
OnMonday, leaders of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republicsmade appalling anti-Semitic statements, in a press conference broadcasted byseveral Russian TV channels. In the broadcasted address, separatist leadersAlexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotinsky disparaged Ukraine's government as"pathetic representatives of the great Jewish people" and said thatUkraine nationalists "would turn in their graves if they could see who isrunning Ukraine." This cynical attempt to incite ethnic hatred and toinject anti-Semitism into an already volatile conflict is unacceptable and mustbe condemned.
Reports continue to come in about the violence and humanitarian crisis inEastern Ukraine. This week, a Donetsk hospital was shelled, killing three civiliansand leaving many others wounded.
We hear from the Donetsk Jewish community leaders that despite constantshelling of the city, its remaining Jews are staying, because they are notfinancially able to leave, or because they mistrust the quality of refugeeabsorption programs in other areas of Ukraine. Volunteers from internationaland local Jewish organizations are delivering food, medicine, and othernecessities to those in need in Donetsk and other cities, despite the danger.
As violence in Eastern Ukraine continues, there is a growing push by some inWashington to provide Ukraine with lethal arms. This week, several influentialnational security experts released a report urging the Obama administration toarm Ukraine. They suggest $1 billion in military assistance this year, followedby additional $1 billion tranches in 2016 and 2017. The update includes anumber of articles arguing for and against provision of such military support.
Meanwhile, efforts continue to reach a diplomatic solution to the conflict.German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande traveledto Moscow today to hold talks with President Vladimir Putin, presenting a newpeace plan initiative.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was in Kyiv yesterday and met with PresidentPetro Poroshenko and other officials. Speaking from Kyiv, he urged Russia tocease its aggression: "We cannot close our eyes to the tanks that arecrossing the border coming into Ukraine," he said. Sec. Kerry also saidthat, at this time, the administration has no plans to send arms to Ukraine.
Mark B. Levin
Executive Director