On September 21, 2012 fourth annual conference on the Resolution of CIS-Related business took place in Moscow, Russia. This event was organized by the American Bar Association / Section of International Law, International Chamber of Commerce of Russia. Support for the conference was also provided by Arzinger Law Office.

During the conference following key issues were discussed:

-         resolving disputes with Russian Regulatory Agencies;

-         recent decisions in arbitrability;

-         Russia’s membership in the WTO;

-         calculating damages in the CIS;

-         enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards in Russia;

-         international attorney-client privilege in the digital age;

-         seeking interim relief in a (CIS) multi-jurisdictional shareholders.

Within the framework of the conference Markian Malskyy, Partner at Arzinger Law Office, Head of its Alternative Dispute Resolution Practice presented his report on the subject “Disputes settlement in the CIS: any signs of pro-arbitration approach?” and spoke about the importance of the issue of arbitrability, subjective and objective arbitrability, arbitrability in CIS.

Markian Malskyy, attorney-at-law, Dr. jur., specializes in providing legal support in investment projects (commercial, real estate and corporate law matters) as well as representing clients’ interests before judicial authorities of Ukraine and dispute settlement under the procedures of commercial and investment arbitration. As head of the ADR practice at Arzinger and recommended arbitrator of several arbitration institutions, Mr. Malskyy has worked on settlement of over 300 disputes. Markian Malskyy is the author of two books on commercial dispute settlement and has published more than 100 legal articles.