Vladyslav Podolyak Speaks about Franchising and Franchise Disputes in Ukraine
Vasil Kisil & Partners, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Tue, March 3, 2015
Vladyslav Podolyak, Attorney-at-Law at Vasil Kisil & Partners LawFirm, delivered aspeech on “Franchising and Franchise Disputes” at theFranchising 2015 Expo, which was held in Kyiv on February 25-27. In his speech, Vladyslavshared his vision of common causes of franchise disputes and provided advice onhow to successfully represent the interests of franchisors and franchisees incourt.
“Franchisingmarket is in its infancy in Ukraine. A substantialpart of legal disputes relates to the economic component of the legalrelationship between a franchisor and a franchisee. This is first of all a matter of payment of franchise fees (royalties) and also a matter of tax disputes. The further development of franchising will lead to an increasing numberof disputes over intellectual property rights. We are now moreoften approached by our clients with requests for the protection of theirfranchise businesses against franchise format duplication, unfair competition, trade secret disclosure, and otherintellectual property infringements,” said V. Podolyak in his speech.
The all-Ukrainian tradeshow of the most successful franchising projects is annually organized byEuroindex. This event showcased over30 franchisors from Ukraine, BalticStates, and Moldova. Thesecompanies demonstrated the advantages of franchise businesses operating underbrands such as Mafia, Lvivski Plyatsky, Garcia Jeans, RoyalCarwash, Dream Family, FingerFoodSpot, Nash Kray, EcoLavka, Dima BorisovRestaurants Family, etc. The Franchising 2015 Expoprovided entrepreneurs with an opportunity to share their thoughts about thefranchise concept and trends and discuss its economic and legal aspects. The trade show provided a platform for keynotespeakers where the most successful franchises were presented and speeches weredelivered by intellectual property business consultants and lawyers
For more details, please contact Klaudia Shevelyuk, BusinessDevelopment Director, by phone at +380 44 581 7777 or by e-mail at pr@vkp.kiev.ua.
Заснована 1992 року,«Василь Кісіль і Партнери» є українською юридичною фірмою, яка надаєінтегрований юридичний супровід у галузях банківського і фінансового права,злиттів і поглинань, ринків капіталів, конкуренційного права та міжнародноїторгівлі, вирішення спорів, податкового законодавства, енергетики і природнихресурсів, інтелектуальної власності, праці та зайнятості, нерухомості ібудівництва, а також ДПП, концесій та інфраструктури. «Василь Кісіль і Партнери» є членом таких авторитетних міжнароднихпрофільних об'єднань, як IBA, TerraLex та Ius Laboris.
До числа клієнтів фірми входять такі відомі в усьомусвіті компанії, як Acron, Air Liquide, Alfa Bank (Ukraine), Alpcot Agro,Africa-Israel Group, Ardagh, Astellas Pharma, BASF, Bayer Consumer, BNPParibas, British American Tobacco, Central European Media Enterprises, CocaCola, Credit Agricole Group, Danone, Dell Inc., DuPont, EBRD, Ericsson, EnergyStandard Group, Eurosport, Ferrexpo AG, Google, Hewlett-Packard, InditexGroup, Kraft, LG Electronics, Leroy Merlin Ukraine, MTS, Moody’s, MottMacDonald Limited, NCH Capital, Opel, Philips, Piraeus Bank, Red Bull, Samsung,Sberbank of Russia, SEB AB, Seven Hills, Shell, Shelton Petroleum, Sony Corp,St. Sophia Homes, Swedbank AB, Tchibo, Thomson Reuters, Ukrainian MediaHolding, Ukrsibbank, Ukrsotsbank, UniCredit Group, Uniqa, Utair, Vanco International/ Vanco Energy, Volkswagen, VimpelCom, YouTube та ін.