MEMBERS OF THE U.S.-UKRAINE BUSINESS COUNCIL (USUBC) are respectfully invited to participate in the upcoming US Ukraine Working Group Yearly Summit XII: Providing Ukraine with an Annual Report Card Amidst War -Year Three, which will be held at the National Press Club of Washington DC on June 13 2024.

The forum will bring together government and key non-government representatives from Ukraine, Canada, the EU and the US to take measure of Ukraine's 2023-2024 progress/regress in six traditional categories associated with advanced polities: “democratic governance, mature market economics, energy security, general security, social cohesion and an established yet forbearing national identity" in the face of protracted conflict on her soil.

To facilitate the said examination, the event will run four panel discussions, three highlight focus sessions and a fainal tally report.  The complete program is provided below.  USUBC members are welcome to attend all the listed sesssions.

Due to the time constraints involved with organizing this forum, we kindly ask that you rsvp no later than the morning of June 11th, concerning your attendance in person.  If you plan to link in to the conference by Zoom, we encourage you to RSVP at your earliest convenience, to assure reception of said instructions.

For further information or to register for the Working Group Summit, kindly contact Walter Zaryckyj, Program Coordinator at or (917) 476 1221; or Andrij Dobriansky, Program Web-Casting Administrator at or (212)228-6840.

We look forward to welcoming members of the U.S.-Ukraine Businss Council (USUBC) at the twelfth annual US-Ukraine Working Group Yearly Summit.

Sincerely, US-UA Working Group Yearly Summit Series Steering Committee

Sponsors:  American Foreign Policy Council, the Center for US-Ukrainian Relations, the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America and the Ukrainian National Information Service

PROGRAM: US-UA Working Group Yearly Summit XII:

Providing Ukraine with an Annual Report Card Amidst War – Part III

June 13, 2024, National Press Club, 529 14th St NW, Washington, DC

08:30 AM - 09:00 AM       Registration

09:00 AM - 09:35 AM        Highlight Focus Session I

Theme: Why a Free, Stable & Prosperous Ukraine at Peace With Neighbors Still Matters – UA Perspective

First Word: Denys SIenik  [Deputy Chief of Mission/Embassy of Ukraine to the United States]

Featured Remarks: Oleksandr Lytvynenko [Secretary of the Nat. Defence & Sec. Council of Ukraine][Confirmed]

09:35 AM – 11:00 AM      Panel Discussion I

Theme: Robust Democratic Politics – Assessing Ukraine’s Progress/Regress 


  • William Taylor [United States Institute of Peace]


  • Steven Nix [International Republican Institute]
  • Katie Fox [National Democratic Institute]
  • Fatima Tlis [Voice of America]
  • Orest Deychakiwsky [Transatlantic Task Force on Ukraine]

Special Commentator: Jason Smart [Kyiv Post]

Issues to Consider:

  • Free & Fair Political Process
  • Strong Civil Society
  • Freedom of the Press & Conscience
  • Circumstances in the Occupied Territories

11:00 AM – 11:05 PM    Coffee Break

11:05 AM – 12:30 PM    Plenary Session II

Theme: Developed Market Economics & Energy Security – Assessing Ukraine’s Progress/Regress 


  • John Herbst [Atlantic Council of the United States]


  • Anders Aslund [Stockholm Free World Forum]
  • Howard Shatz [RAND Corporation]
  • Ariel Cohen [International Tax and Investment Center]
  • Margarita Assenova [Jamestown Foundation]

Special Commentator: Morgan Williams [US-Ukraine Business Council]

Issues to Consider:

  • Sound Fiscal & Monetary Policy
  • Business Reliability & Transparency
  • Adequate Energy Production/Distribution/Storage & Repair Capacity
  • Plans for PostWar Reconstruction

12:30 AM – 12:50 PM    Lunch Break

[Press Interviews]

12:50 PM - 01:25 PM        Highlight Focus Session II

Theme: Taking Note of an Important New Study of Contemporary Ukraine

Discussion Leader:  Kyle Parker [US Helsinki Commission]

Featured Speaker: Adrian Karatnycky [Author of ‘Battleground Ukraine’]

01:25 PM – 02:50 AM      Roundtable Plenary Session III

Theme: Ever Greater General Security – Assessing Ukraine’s Progress/Regress 


  • Ilan Berman [American Foreign Policy Council]
  • James Sherr [EE International Center for Defence and Security]
  • Richard Hooker [Atlantic Council of the United States]
  • Mason Clark [institute for the Study of War]
  • Reuben Johnson [Breaking Defense]

Special Commentator: Phillip Karber [Potomac Foundation]

Issues to Consider:

·       Adequate Human Resources for Defense – Land, Maritime and Air

·       Adequate Material Resources for Defense – Land, Maritime and Air

·       Effective National Security Leadership – Civilian & Military

·       Sound ‘National Security’ Doctrine/End Game Plan for the War

02:50 PM – 02:55 PM       Coffee Break

02:55 PM – 04:20 PM       Roundtable Plenary Session IV

Theme: Viable Social Cohesion & An Established National Identity – Assessing UA’s Progress/Regress 


  • William Courtney [RAND Corporation]


  • Taras Kuzio [Kyiv Mohyla Academy National University]
  • Alexander Motyl [Rutgers University]
  • Paul Goble [Jamestown Foundation/WOE]
  • Anna Osypchuk [Kyiv Mohyla Academy National University]

Special Commentator: Diane Francis [National Post]

Issues to Consider: 

  • Stable Inter-Ethnic Relations
  • Stable Class Relations
  • A Sense of a Common History
  • A Sense of a Common Future

04:20 PM – 04:55 PM    Highlight Focus Session IV

Theme:  Why a Free, Stable and Prosperous Ukraine Still Matter – US Perspective

Chair:  Andrew Futey [Ukrainian Congress Committee of America]

Featured Speaker: Victoria Nuland [Under Sec. of State for Political Affairs 2021-2024] [Awaiting Confirmation]

04:55 PM – 05:00 PM    Tallying the Final Grades [Andrij Dobrianxky/Forum Webmaster]

06:15 PM – 08:30 PM    Patrons’ Reception –

                                   AFPC/509 C Street NW


Mr. Morgan Williams, President & CEO
U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC)
1032 15th Street, N.W., Suite 367
Washington, DC 20005