6 pm show: $15 ($12 for members)
8 pm show: $20 ($18 for members), includes reception

Tickets online: http://www.ukrainianmuseum.org/shop/display.php?cat=26

The story ofthe Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus is one of courage and true grit – a vivid chroniclethat celebrates the human spirit. This is the triumphant story of the originalseventeen members of the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus who survived World War IIas a musical ensemble. 

View the filmtrailer here:


Run time: 59mins.
Producer - Director - Orest Sushko

Bonus!Julian Kytasty, NY Bandura/Bandura Downtown musical director, will perform liveon the bandura.

TheUkrainian Museum’s film program is supported, in part, by public funds from theNew York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the CityCouncil.