Great opportunity for U.S. businesses in Ukraine!
Don’t miss the chance to meet Ukrainian local government and business leaders, negotiate deals, and build partnerships!

The U.S.-Ukraine Trade Mission “Rebirth of Ukraine”, taking place on September 23-24 in Washington, D.C., will bring together U.S. and Ukrainian businesses, municipalities, investors, financial institutions, academia, and government organizations to promote Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction.

This high-level event will feature a delegation of 55 business executives and trade associations, along with 35 Ukrainian mayors and municipal leaders.
The detailed information about the delegation is available in the catalog

Program outline:
Day 1. Monday, September 23. Economic Recovery Business Forum,
8 am – 6 pm, Organization of American States.

Day 2. Tuesday, September 24, B2B pitch sessions and networking
8 am  - 4 pm, Chemonics Headquarter.

Focus Areas: energy, agriculture and agritech, high technology and aerospace, construction, rehabilitation, legal aspects, finance, education.

Ukrainian delegates will present proposals and projects of industrial parks and zones, renewable energy, prosthesis, rehabilitation, agro-processing, water treatment, biofuel production, innovative industrial hemp processing, bio composite, textile production, heat pumps, etc.

For additional information, please contact: Yuliya Chufistova, CEO, Mayors' Club Ukraine, or visit: