2021 U.S.-Ukraine Alternative Energy Research Competition
Deadline: Friday, February 26, 2021
Opening: Monday, December 21, 2020
CRDF Global and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MES) are currently accepting proposals from joint teams of U.S. and Ukrainian researchers for the 2021 U.S.-Ukraine Alternative Energy Research Competition.
As the world’s population is projected to reach at least nine billion people by 2050 and energy consumption increases, alternative energy has the potential to become the least-expensive source of energy. Through the advancement of alternative energy sources, such as photovoltaic, turbine, and biofuel technologies, scientific research holds great potential to generate affordable solutions to this complex problem.
To that end, CRDF Global is currently accepting proposals from joint teams of U.S. and Ukrainian researchers focusing on alternative energy as it applies directly to the following sub-topics:
Alternative Energy
The competition will support U.S.-Ukrainian research teams engaged in basic or applied research in the area of photovoltaic, turbine, and biofuel technology.
Awards of up to $72,000 ($50,000 from CRDF Global and $7,000 USD equivalent paid in the national currency of Ukraine for the Ukraine sub-team and $15,000 from CRDF Global for the U.S. sub-team) will be provided for 12 months.
All proposals must be submitted no later than Friday, February 26, 2021 (23:59) U.S. Eastern Standard Time (EST) in two formats:
Once in CRDF Global’s electronic format submit your application through CRDF’s grant management system: https://crdfglobal.fluxx.io/dashboard/index. Upon email submission of your abstract by February 5, 2021, you will be provided a Fluxx account to complete your application. For inquiries, please contact Nina Cairns at ncairns@crdfglobal.org or call +1 703.600.3465.
Once in MES’s format, in hard copy and electronic format via flash drive to the Ministry of Education and Science, Ukraine. For inquiries and application forms, please contact Olena Savina at a_savina@mon.gov.ua or call +38 044.287.8235 and visit the website https://mon.gov.ua/ua/news/startuvav-konkurs-ukrayinsko-amerikanskih-nau....
Application Package:
2021 US-Ukraine Alternative Energy Competition RFP (1).docx
2021 U.S.-Ukraine Alternative Energy Competition Budget (3).xlsm
2021 US-Ukraine Proposal Submission Checklist (1).docx
2021 MESU application form.doc