Astarta Starts Winter Crops Harvesting 2023
Astarta News, Kyiv, Ukraine, Fri, Jul 7, 2023
Astarta started harvesting winter wheat and rapeseeds. Farmers of its agricultural subsidiaries in the Poltava region were the first to begin harvesting, with farmers in the Western regions of Ukraine to join by mid-July, as per seasonal schedule.
Overall, Astarta plans to harvest winter crops from almost 57kha, including winter wheat from 43kha.
– This is the second harvesting season during the full-scale war. Despite the challenges we faced, including more than 400 employees drafted into the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a significant rise in the cost of inputs, constant air alerts, and possible overlapping of harvesting of winter rapeseeds and wheat, we prepared for the harvest on time. We have carried out repairs, the necessary amount of agricultural machinery is ready, and we have good crop conditions and yield potential. And, most importantly, people – we have retained well-trained teams, – says Vadym Skrypnyk, the Director of Agricultural Production. – Our company managed to sell almost the entire last year’s harvest, and our silos are fully prepared to receive the new crop. All of these processes are accompanied by the active deployment of AgriChain digital software, including the new AgriChain Logistics module aimed at automating and efficiently managing all processes.
The introduction of digital field logistics has become one of the essential elements in optimising this year’s harvesting campaign.
– Together with Astarta’s agronomic, logistics, elevator and commercial departments, we have developed a mathematical model that comprehensively solves the transportation issues and allows us to make the most optimal plan for placing products at the company’s own and third-party elevators or, if necessary, use backup storage options. This issue is highly relevant during the harvesting campaign, – adds Natalia Bohacheva, CEO of AgriChain. – We have seriously strengthened the control system for harvesting, exporting and delivering crops to the place of unloading and routing, the system of allowing vehicles to load via NFC technology, the ‘Friend-or-foe’ digital control system, the notification system and the rapid response to non-routine situations on the routes to a new level.
During this year’s harvesting campaign, we also plan to introduce hourly dispatching of products from the field to storage facilities through a system of orders. It will allow us to avoid queues and downtime, increase vehicle turnover, choose the best route, and help all participants work in a coordinated manner.
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Astarta is a member of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC).
LINK: https://astartaholding.com/en/astarta-rozpochala-zbiralnu-kampaniyu-rannih-zernovih-2023/