Law firm Cameron McKenna have issued what is one of the most comprehensive studies of the comparative investment attractiveness of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.  Whilst Ukraine fairs well in terms of labor costs, it does poorly in terms of corruption and investment support.  Please open the PDF file to read the study. 


Whilst the monthly gross average wage in Czechia is €1,244,  in Ukraine it is only 22.3% of this at €278. In terms of corruption Poland ranks 31st, Turkey ranks 81st whilst Ukraine sadly languishes at 130th out of 180 countries.  Hungary has the easiest tax system whilst in Ukraine it is one of the more complex.  In terms of support for investors Ukraine is not even listed whilst in most of the EU countries regional support can be up to 25% depending on the region. 

On the plus side Ukraine has a less developed but larger infrastructure than most others even without EU support or the recently announced development programmes and labour rates are one of the most competitive.  The report does not address intellectual capital.