Coronavirus (COVID-19): Ukraine has limited border crossings

Baker McKenzie, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Apr 10, Fri, 2020
Border crossing restrictions
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (CMU) has imposed temporary restrictions on crossing the state border until 24 April 2020, in particular:
- The border crossing points for international passenger rail, air, bus traffic (with exceptions) are closed.
- Foreigners and stateless persons are prohibited from entering Ukraine (except for persons who have a permanent/temporary residence permit in Ukraine, employees of diplomatic and consular missions accredited in Ukraine, truck drivers, etc.).
- Reception and dispatch of passenger aircrafts is permitted only for Boryspil Airport and Lviv Airport named after Danylo Halytskyi (which is the reserve one).
- Reception and dispatch of passenger aircrafts transporting tourists is prohibited.
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the right of foreigners to leave Ukraine is not restricted. In cases of needing to travel abroad, this can be done through operating state border checkpoints for automobile traffic.
Mandatory observation
With respect to persons entering Ukraine, mandatory observation for 14 days in specialized institutions determined by the Kyiv city and regional state administrations has been established.
An exception has been made for employees of diplomatic or consular missions, truck drivers, crew members and some other persons if there are no grounds to believe that they have come into contact with a person with COVID-19.
Employment of foreigners
According to Law of Ukraine No. 540-IX of 30 March 2020, for the period of implementing measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the CMU has the right to temporarily suspend the issuance of work permits, including for work in certain areas or for certain types of activities.
Information resources
The Coronavirus Resource Center provides key resources, legal alerts by jurisdiction and contacts in our offices who may provide any additional information.
The COVID-19 Global Employer Guide provides answers to the most popular questions from employers due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It covers 42 countries, including Ukraine.
Additional notes
This LEGAL ALERT is issued to inform Baker McKenzie clients and other interested parties of legal developments that may affect or otherwise be of interest to them. The comments above do not constitute legal or other advice and should not be regarded as a substitute for specific advice in individual cases.

For more information, please contact:
Lina Nemchenko Mariana Marchuk
Partner Counsel
Baker McKenzie Baker McKenzie
+380 44 590 0101 +380 44 590 0101