Sayenko Kharenko and PwC Ukraine are conducting the “Assessment of the safety of doing business in Ukraine” 2.0 survey
Sayenko Kharenko, Kyiv, Ukraine,
June 11, Fri, 2021
Sayenko Kharenko and PwC Ukraine, with the support of the Association of Corporate Security Professionals of Ukraine (ACSP) and ASIS International – Ukraine Chapter, are conducting a survey “Assessment of the safety of doing business in Ukraine” 2.0. As part of the survey, top managers and owners of the medium and large businesses in Ukraine will be interviewed.
The purpose of the survey is to obtain and consolidate updated data on the key challenges faced by the business, as well as, based on the analysis, to develop options for solving the problems business has to fight today.
Representatives of more than 100 companies (50% of which employ over 500 people) took part in the first survey which was conducted by Sayenko Kharenko with the support of ACSP and ASIS Ukraine in November 2020. Please follow the link to see its results.
The first study showed that the business community needed regular and high-quality analytics in the field of business security, so it was decided to prepare more comprehensive and detailed survey. Its results will be jointly analysed and described by Sayenko Kharenko lawyers and PwC forensic specialists in Ukraine.
Sayenko Kharenko’s partner Sergey Pogrebnoy comments: “Our day-to-day practice proves that doing business in Ukraine becomes more and more complicated and sometimes even dangerous process every year. In addition to the international problems of the global economic recession, caused primarily by the pandemic, Ukrainian business has to overcome local difficulties associated with the pressure from the state, raider attacks and corruption. I am convinced that the only way to cope with threats to business is to combine the efforts of its representatives and develop a unified strategy of stability and development. The research we are doing will help us identify complex problems and suggest solutions.”
PwC Ukraine Forensic Leader Andrey Tretyak noted: “Security aspects still remain amongst the matters of utmost importance for ensuring sustainable business growth in Ukraine, both local and international. Тhey definitely play a vital role in streamlining the economic growth of the country and enhancing its investment climate. In the course of the current survey we have joined our expertise and experience to explore the issue in more detail and outline clear practical recommendations for its sustainable resolution in the current realities.”
We invite top managers and business owners in Ukraine to take part in the study by answering the questions in the questionnaire.
All responses will be strictly anonymous and will be consolidated into a general report presented at a special event.