Morgan Williams, President of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council highlighted the importance of war risk insurance for securing investment, spoke about recent negative signals and cases of legal persecution of businesses in Ukraine, and stressed the importance of paying more attention and to those companies who are already present and have a major positive footprint in Ukraine. 

Discussion Questions:

The following questions will guide the conversation:
1. What are three specific major bottlenecks affecting Ukraine’s private sector? What are Ukraine’s responsibilities and what are the responsibilities of Ukraine’s partners?
2. How do these challenges differ between large companies and SMEs, and what specific solutions are required for each?
3. What more can be done to address ongoing corruption and regulatory barriers? There is progress, but does it seem ‘too little too slow’?
4. How to make sure the business community does not repeat the same mistakes that were made between 2014-2022 before the full-scale invasion? Is there a role that businesses should play in addition to their day-to-day operations in Ukraine?
5. What are three specific practical solutions for attracting investments into the country?

•Roman Waschuk, Business Ombudsman in Ukraine
•Anna Derevyanko, Executive Director of European Business Association
• Morgan Williams, President of U.S.-Ukraine Business Council

Other presenters included: Anders Aslund, Senior Fellow, Stockholm World  Forum, Roman Kachur, Alternate Executive Director, World Bank Group; Sharon Valentine, Division Chief, Office of Economic Growth, Bureau for Europe & Eurasia, USAID; Alexander McWhorter, Country Officer & Corporate Banking Head Ukraine, Citi

• Ilya Timtchenko, Program Manager & Research Associate, CSIS