Ukraine Newsletter: Licensing of telecommunications services to be abolished from 25 December 2019
DLA Piper, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Fri, Nov 8, 2019
Access the Ukrainian version: Ліцензування діяльності у сфері телекомунікацій буде скасовано з 25 грудня 2019 року
The Parliament of Ukraine on 18 September 2019 approved the Law of Ukraine On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Reduction of the List of Business Activities Subject to Licensing No. 102-IX, which will come into force on 25 December 2019 (Amendment Law).
The main changes introduced by the Amendment Law include the abolishment of licensing of telecommunications services in Ukraine.
Starting from 25 December 2019, telecommunication operator or provider will be allowed to provide such services upon submission of a notification of commencement of services in the area of telecommunication to the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization of Ukraine. The notification will be a sufficient ground for commencement of activities of the area of telecommunication in Ukraine, meaning that licenses for provision of telecommunication services will be abolished. The data on the relevant operator or provider of telecommunication services will be included in the Register of Operators and Providers of Telecommunications.
The subordinate legislation supporting these amendments has not yet been adopted as of today. In particular, it is expected that as a first step, the new Procedure of Operation of the Register of Operators and Providers will be enacted, which, inter alia, will provide the form of notification on performance of activities in the sphere of telecommunication and the indicative non-exhaustive list of telecommunication services and their description, which will be used for the purposes of such notification.