The U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) hosted a meeting last week in Washington, D.C. with Daria Marchak, First Deputy Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine. Held at the Palladium office, a USUBC member, the event facilitated discussions between our members and the delegation on critical issues, including workforce development, veteran support, mental health, and the Ministry's ongoing social services reforms.

Kyrylo Lapko, Head of International Relations at the Office of the Coordination Center for Family Upbringing and Child Care Development, highlighted current programs for the protection and reintegration of Ukrainian children, focusing on rebuilding care and advocacy systems.

At the conclusion of the event, the delegation presented the organizers with a Ukrainian flag, featuring a map of Ukraine drawn by children from a foster family, who had benefited from the government's reform initiatives.

The event was attended by representatives from Abt Global, Deloitte, PwC, KidSave, Nova Ukraine, Helvetas-USA, Save Ukraine, Palladium, IREX, Bird of Light Foundation, International Medical Corps, and others.

Special thanks to Clint Cavanaugh, Managing Partner of Global Health at Palladium, for delivering the opening remarks and hosting the event.

The meeting was moderated by Nadiia Khomaziuk, Executive Director of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council.