U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC),
Wash, D.C., Tue, June 12, 2020
Mary Kay Inc. is an American privately owned direct selling company. Mary Kay sells cosmetics through a direct selling​ model.
“There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened. We all have a choice.”
Mary Kay Ash
One of the original glass ceiling breakers, Mary Kay Ash founded her beauty company more than 56 years ago with three goals: develop rewarding opportunities for women, offer irresistible products, and make the world a better place. That dream has blossomed into a multibillion-dollar company with millions of independent sales force members in nearly 40 countries.
Mary Kay is dedicated to investing in the science behind beauty and manufacturing cutting-edge skin care, color cosmetics, nutritional supplements and fragrances. Mary Kay is committed to empowering women and their families by partnering with organizations from around the world, focusing on supporting cancer research, protecting survivors from domestic abuse, beautifying our communities, and encouraging children to follow their dreams. Mary Kay Ash’s original vision continues to shine—one lipstick at a time.
Recognized today as one of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs, Mary Kay Ash opened the doors to an amazing opportunity that continues to empower millions of women around the world. Her story, her legacy and her timeless business principles have inspired generations and resonate with business leaders in every industry.
And the direct selling model chosen by the founder of the company still offers solid business opportunities for women-entrepreneurs, including education and support at every stage of their business development. She envisioned a world where all women could realize their full potential and develop their entrepreneurial skills.
Benefits of the Mary Kay business model
Today Mary Kay is not just a direct selling company, but rather an entrepreneurship development company. The focus is endorsing entrepreneurship as a profession, and the profession is really beautiful and meaningful. The time-tested business model has evolved to support the success of individual women and show how gender-balanced entrepreneurship can increase economic resilience.
All that is needed is a superior product and an Independent Beauty Consultant (IBC), who provides customized skin care, color and fragrances as well as professional and personalized service. Truly something that you can’t find in many of today’s shops! While IBCs drive their business on their own, Mary Kay Ukraine is always there to provide full support to their business, educating them and recognizing and rewarding them for their efforts.
Victoriia Zoria-Iatsenko, General Director of Mary Kay Ukraine: “Mary Kay is an opportunity for women to grow financially and professionally with one’s own efforts. Any personal dream can become a reality – solid education for children, travel around the world, personal savings for life, purchase of a house. You are your own boss, and you decide where to work, what hours of the day and how long. It is a business for women with low start-up costs seeking a flexible work schedule, the potential for successful business profitability and professional as well as personal growth.”
The World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA) stated there were over 118 million people occupied in direct selling in 2018, 74% out of which were women.
Since the inception in 1963, the vast majority of the Mary Kay sales force has been women. Mary Kay manufactures and sells high quality cosmetic and beauty products; therefore, women are naturally attracted to the opportunity.
Women try our products, fall in love with them, and then discover the Mary Kay business opportunity! According to the same data of WFDSA for 2018, wellness and cosmetic product categories were the most sold out ones. Altogether, these factors drive women empowerment worldwide.
Mary Kay opened its doors in Ukraine in 1997 and since then thousands of Ukrainian women started their own businesses with Mary Kay. They continue to develop their business while providing Ukrainian women with high-quality service and products.
Victoriia Zoria-Iatsenko, General Director of Mary Kay Ukraine: “Mary Kay Ukraine empowers thousands of independent beauty consultants who develop their small business by working directly with their customers. And we have an incredible opportunity to see them grow their entrepreneurship potential. We support each one of these entrepreneurs, providing educational materials and resources including special events, advertising, motivation and recognition.”
Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants are beauty experts, who can not only tailor the best cosmetic products for each customer’s specific needs, but also teach their customers beauty and skin care techniques, and become a trusted beauty advisor.
The benefits of having a Mary Kay beauty advisor are multiple: she can deliver product directly to her customer’s home or workplace; the customer can have one-on-one complimentary consultation with her beauty advisor on her specific skincare needs; the customer can have a color consultation to pick out the color cosmetics that’s best suited for her skin color and preference; the customer can shop from the comfort of her home or on the go through the Mary Kay website.
A key benefit that Mary Kay offers to its customers is the “Try before you buy” concept, which allows a customer enjoy the product, understand its benefits and fall in love with it. A personal beauty advisor’s mission is to take care of her customers, tailor a skincare regimen to the customer’s specific needs and recommend seasonal products that are trending that season.
Women empowerment and social responsibility
Mary Kay Ukraine is committed to women’s empowerment and to boosting opportunities for women’s personal as well as business growth. The company takes part in numerous conferences throughout the year to educate women all over Ukraine and equip them with entrepreneurial skills, inspire them to go after their dreams and to give them a business opportunity to get into sales and leadership positions.
Mary Kay has always had an intrinsic social purpose: enrich women’s lives.
A worldwide Mary Kay social initiative called Pink Changing Lives donates funds to organizations around the world focused on supporting cancer research, helping end hunger, protecting survivors from domestic abuse, beautifying communities, and programs empowering women and girls.
Since 2008, Mary Kay’s global Pink Changing Lives cause empowerment program has impacted more than six million women and their families by partnering with over 2,000 organizations around the world, donating over $15 million USD. The initiative makes it possible for Mary Kay Ukraine to support women who are fighting breast cancer and actively involve independent beauty consultants in these efforts.
The company has a long-term partnership with the charitable Foundation "Women's Health and Family Planning" that provides support for Ukrainian women with breast cancer. This is a 15-year long partnership during which the charity program has been offering women who have undergone surgery to remove a malignant breast tumor to have a set of procedures that restore the physical and psychological state of the patient.
Tatiana Kravchenko, Mary Kay Ukraine Senior Manager for PR & Advertising, Marketing, Communications, and Special Events: “During the entire period of the program, Mary Kay Ukraine has donated more than 5 million UAH, letting over 1400 Ukrainian women to undergo rehabilitation. It is based in Kyiv Medical Center "Likarski Tradytsii" for the residents of Kyiv and Kyiv region and sanatorium "Truskavets” for the residents of other regions. In addition, Mary Kay beauty experts offer skincare parties to women who are fighting breast cancer to lift their spirits, make them feel feminine and beautiful”.
A true leader at the forefront
An extra marker of any company is also its ability to adapt in fast changing environment and react accordingly to community’s needs. Such marker for all worldwide companies became the COVID-19 pandemic and readiness of businesses to support local medical institutions. Mary Kay remains committed to its principles and has taken a number of measures to sustain healthcare systems.
Mary Kay has refocused global manufacturing efforts on the production and donation of essential items only, including personal care and hygiene products, as well as hand sanitizer that was donated to nearly 20 healthcare systems, 1,000 hospitals and 1.5 million combined frontline responders, physicians, and staff around the world. In Ukraine Mary Kay has donated money for the purchase of personal protection equipment (PPE) for doctors as well as hand cream sets to protect their damaged hand skin.
A true proof of socially responsible, trustworthy, credible and openhearted company. A brand, which is reasonably on the lips of consumers: According to quarter MMI research of the target audience aged 20-45, Mary Kay is among TOP-three cosmetic companies based on brand awareness in Ukraine. This indicates that the majority of consumers have heard of or have tried Mary Kay products, such as skin care, color cosmetics, body care, sunscreen and fragrances.
Moreover, during its 23 years in Ukraine, Mary Kay was repeatedly acknowledged among the leading beauty companies in Ukraine in various areas, and was given awards in the spheres of the most dynamic company, brand offering unique possibilities, best employer, benefactor of the year, best charity project, best CEO of the beauty company. A number of Mary Kay products themselves were chosen as the best in their class as well.
Company with a heart
At the very heart of Mary Kay has always been and always will be women – the Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants, who have a dream of building a better future for themselves and their families.
Mary Kay Beauty Expert, Senior National Sales Director, Elena Tanasevych: Doing business with Mary Kay is not just about financial performance. I help women regain their childhood ability to dream and fulfill their dreams. We create “treasure maps” and pave the way for their achievement step by step. And only you can decide what level of income you need and how much time you can devote on your own path to these treasures.
It absolutely does not matter whether she is 25 or 55 years old, married or single, has children or doesn’t, occupied somewhere else or willing to have full-time business. Mary Kay offers opportunities for each of them. The only thing that matters is her desire to succeed. It is she, who makes it happen.
Mary Kay has provided an attractive and rewarding alternative for women-entrepreneurs. The company offers them the opportunity to take charge of their lives by working their businesses at their own pace, managing their own hours, balancing their priorities and maximizing their earnings potential. There are no ceilings in the Mary Kay opportunity, and very few companies in the world can offer anything remotely close to it.
All Independent Beauty Consultants are treated with dignity and respect in Mary Kay. Nevertheless, although each Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant is in business for herself, she is never in business by herself.
“The most rewarding aspect of my life is to watch a woman come into our company like a tight little rosebud, sometimes too inhibited to even tell me who she is, and after six months of training, praise, and encouragement, and recognition by her recruiter and director friends – she blossoms into a poised beautiful woman. All because someone helps her reach down within herself and bring forth her… talents and abilities”.
Mary Kay Ash